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Find children of process (unix/linux)

by Tanktalus (Canon)
on Jan 26, 2005 at 16:43 UTC ( [id://425266]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: Utility Scripts
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Description: Prints out all the child processes of a given process ID. The tough part is that ps is inconsistant across unix platforms.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

#use Data::Dumper;
use strict;

my %order;

my @process_list;

my $parent = shift || parent_of($$);
print "Children of PID $parent:\n";

my @children = grep { $_->[$order{PPID}] == $parent and $_->[$order{PI
+D}] != $$ } @process_list;
foreach my $c (@children)
    print $c->[$order{PID}], " : ", $c->[$order{CMD}], "\n";

sub parent_of
    my $pid = shift || return -1;
    for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#process_list; ++$i)
        return $process_list[$i][$order{PPID}]
            if ($process_list[$i][$order{PID}] == $pid);
    return -1;

sub process_info
    my $pid = shift || return -1;
    for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#process_list; ++$i)
        return $process_list[$i] if ($process_list[$i][$order{PID}] ==
+ $pid);
    return -1;

sub get_processes
    local *FH;
    my $opts = "-ef";
    if (
        $^O eq "linux"
        $opts .= " --cols 1024";

    open (FH, "ps $opts |") or die "Can't get process list";
    my $discard = <FH>;
    while (<FH>)
        my @line = split /\s+/, $_, scalar keys %order;
        push @process_list, \@line;

sub set_order
    if (
        $^O eq "aix" or
        $^O eq "irix" or
        $^O eq "hpux"
        %order = (
                  UID => 0,
                  PID => 1,
                  PPID => 2,
                  C => 3,
                  STIMEM => 4,
                  STIMED => 5,
                  TTY => 6,
                  TIME => 7,
                  CMD => 8,
    elsif (
           $^O eq "dynixptx" or
           $^O eq "linux"
        %order = (
                  UID => 0,
                  PID => 1,
                  PPID => 2,
                  C => 3,
                  STIME => 4,
                  TTY => 5,
                  TIME => 6,
                  CMD => 7,
        die "Unrecognised platform";
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Re: Find children of process (unix/linux)
by idsfa (Vicar) on Jan 27, 2005 at 02:46 UTC

    Consider Proc::ProcessTable. You may want to look into porting that to any unsupported OS ...

    use strict; use Proc::ProcessTable; my $tgt = shift || $$; my %cmd; my %children; my $pt = new Proc::ProcessTable or die("No process table "); sub treeprint { my ($pid, $indent) = @_; print ' ' x $indent,"$pid: $cmd{$pid}\n"; # What the heck ... let's recurse to the end of the tree foreach (@{$children{$pid}}) { &treeprint($_, $indent+1); } } foreach my $proc ( @{$pt->table} ) { push @{$children{$proc->ppid}}, $proc->pid; $cmd{$proc->pid} = $proc->cmndline; } &treeprint($tgt,0);

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