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Re^4: add spaces after caps & reduce whitespace to single space

by Tanktalus (Canon)
on Feb 19, 2005 at 16:21 UTC ( [id://432746]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^3: addd spaces after caps & reduce whitespace to single space
in thread addd spaces after caps & reduce whitespace to single space

As long as you're doing that ...

$ perl -e '$s="JustAnotherPerlHacker\n"; $s=~s/(?<=.)(?=[A-Z])/ /g; pr +int $s' Just Another Perl Hacker
By using zero-width assertions on both sides, we don't need to actually match anything. We're matching, literally, zero characters - we're matching simply a location with no length associated. Note, however, that I would make it just a bit different for a bit more flexibility:

$s=~s/(?<=\S)(?=[[:upper:]])/ /g

Match the location between a non-space and a capital letter. Using a character class gives us flexibility for other languages.

This may also be useful for splitting:

$ perl -e '$s="JustAnotherPerlHacker\n"; @a = split /(?<=\S)(?=[[:uppe +r:]])/, $s; print "@a"' Just Another Perl Hacker
Since split is splitting on nothing, there is nothing actually removed.

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