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Counting enumerated data in XML

by D'Femstar (Initiate)
on Mar 29, 2005 at 15:37 UTC ( [id://443154]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

D'Femstar has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

<dialogues> - <dialogue name="T:/amities/Data/SwitchBoard/ws97.tar/ws97\sw00utt\sw +_0001_4325.utt" no="1"> - <turn no="1" speaker="A"> - <utt da="bc" id="utt1"> - <![CDATA[ Okay. ]]> </utt> - <utt da="qw" id="utt2"> - <![CDATA[ {D So, } ]]> </utt> </turn> - <turn no="2" speaker="B"> - <utt da="qy^d" id="utt1"> - <![CDATA[ [ [ I guess, + ]]> </utt> </turn> - <turn no="3" speaker="A"> - <utt da="+" id="utt1"> - <![CDATA[ What kind of experience [ do you, + do you ] have, then wi +th child care? ]]> </utt> </turn> - <turn no="4" speaker="B"> - <utt da="+" id="utt1">

My Program

use XML::TreeBuilder; my $file= 'swbd_50k_42tags.xml'; my $tree = XML::TreeBuilder->new(); $tree->parse_file($file); foreach my $dialogue ($tree->find_by_tag_name ('dialogue')){ $dialogue_name = $dialogue->attr_get_i('name'); foreach my $turn ($dialogue->find_by_tag_name('turn')){ $turn_no = $turn->attr_get_i('no'); $turn_speaker = $turn->attr_get_i('speaker'); foreach my $utt ($dialogue->find_by_tag_name('utt')){ $da = $utt->attr_get_i('da'); $id = $utt->attr_get_i('id'); $inline = $utt->as_text; } } } @ngram_length=('1','2','3'); $inline = $utt->as_text; @words = split(" ",$inline); @copy = @words; foreach $ngramlen (@ngram_length) { @ng = splice @words, 0, $ngramlen-1; while ($nxt = shift @words) { push @ng,$nxt; $ngholder = join(" ",@ng); print "Current NGRAM:[$ngholder]\n"; shift @ng; shift @ng = $gram; } } foreach my $utt { if ($da = sd) {$femi_da eq Statement non opinion} if (Sda = b) {$femi_da eq Acknowledge-Backchannel} if ($da = sv) {$femi_da eq Statement-opinion} if ($da = aa) {$femi_da eq Agree/Accept} if ($da = %) {$femi_da eq Abandoned} if ($da = ba) {$femi_da eq Appreciation} if ($da = qy) {$femi_da eq Yes-No-Question} if ($da = x) {$femi_da eq Non-Verbal} if ($da = ny) {$femi_da eq Yes answer} if ($da = fc) {$femi_da eq Conventional-closing} if ($da = %) {$femi_da eq uninterpretable} if ($da = qw) {$femi_da eq Wh-Question} if ($da = nn} {$femi_da eq No answers} if ($da = bk} {$femi_da eq Response Acknowledgements} if ($da = h} {$femi_da eq Hedge} if ($da = qy^d) {$femi_da eq Decl.Yes-No-Quest} if ($da = o) {$femi_da eq other} if ($da = fo) {$femi_da eq other} if ($da = bc) {$femi_da eq other} if ($da = by) {$femi_da eq other} if ($da = fw) {$femi_da eq other} if ($da = bh) {$femi_da eq Backchannel in quest form} if ($da = ^q) {$femi_da eq Quotation} if ($da = bf) {$femi_da eq Summarize} if ($da = na) {$femi_da eq Affirmative non-yes ans} if ($da = ny^e) {$femi_da eq Affirmative non-yes ans} if ($da = ad) {$femi_da eq Action-directive} if ($da = ^2) {$femi_da eq collab-compl} if ($da = b^m) {$femi_da eq Repeat-Phrase} if ($da = qo) {$femi_da eq open-question} if ($da = qh) {$femi_da eq Rhetorical-Question} if ($da = ^h) {$femi_da eq hold before anwer-agreement} if ($da = ar) {$femi_da eq Reject} if ($da = ng) {$femi_da eq Negayive non-no answer} if ($da = nn^e) {$femi_da eq Negayive non-no answer} if ($da = br) {$femi_da eq Signal non-understanding} if ($da = no) {$femi_da eq other answers} if ($da = fp) {$femi_da eq Conventional opening} if ($da = qrr) {$femi_da eq or-clause} if ($da = arp) {$femi_da eq Dispreferred answer} if ($da = nd) {$femi_da eq Dispreferred answer} if ($da = t3) {$femi_da eq 3rd party talk} if ($da = oo) {$femi_da eq offers,options commit} if ($da = cc) {$femi_da eq offers,options commit} if ($da = co) {$femi_da eq offers,options commit} if ($da = t1) {$femi_da eq self-talk} if ($da = bd) {$femi_da eq Downplayer} if ($da = aap) {$femi_da eq maybe/accept-part} if ($da = am) {$femi_da eq maybe/accept-part} if ($da = ^g) {$femi_da eq Tag-Question} if ($da = qw^d) {$femi_da eq Declarative Wh-Quest} if ($da = fa) {$femi_da eq Apology} if ($da = ft) { $femi_da eq Thanking; } @counter = ($femi_da , $ngholder); foreach my $utt { if ($da = $femi_da) { $da_counter++; while ($inline =~ /^$gram\B/) { $gram_counter++;

It doesnt make a lot of sense. But what i am trying to do is exctract the utterances from the XMl doc and the da's. I then try to extract 0-3 n-grams from each utterance. Each utterance has a DA.

The next step is to get the most frequent n-gram for each utteracnce/DA. basically i need to get a frequent phrase for each DA.

20050329 Janitored by Corion: Added code tags, cleaned formatting, as per the Writeup Formatting Tips

janitored by ybiC: Balanced <readmore> tags around longish codeblock as per Writeup Formatting Tips, retitle from one-word "Counting" to help site search

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Counting enumerated data in XML
by Roy Johnson (Monsignor) on Mar 29, 2005 at 15:50 UTC
    We're having a lot of posts that argue for Code tags warning.

    For starters, it looks like you're mixing up assignment and comparison. You have "if $da is assigned bd, then compare $femi_da to Downplayer". You should definitely have

    use strict; use warnings;
    at the top of your program. Then I would recommend you turn your if-block into a hash:
    my %da_to_femi = ( bd => 'Downplayer', co => 'offers,options commit', +#etc # so you can say $femi_da = $da_to_femi{$da};
    A lot of what you wrote isn't valid Perl. I think you should start a little simpler until you get used to writing Perl.

    Caution: Contents may have been coded under pressure.
Re: Counting enumerated data in XML
by tlm (Prior) on Mar 29, 2005 at 15:52 UTC

    I find your post hard on the eyes; I bet others do too. More help will come your way if you put posted code between <code></code> tags. And don't stop there: become familiar with the contents of the PM site FAQ, especially Writeup Formatting Tips.

    My first question is why aren't you using strict? (See perldoc strict.) And why aren't the strings to the right of all those eq's in quotes?

    the lowliest monk

Re: Counting enumerated data in XML
by thinker (Parson) on Mar 29, 2005 at 15:56 UTC

    It's difficult to guess what you are intending to do, but I am sure you don't intend using the assignment operator  if($da = fa)instead of the comparison operator  if($da eq "fa")

    I hope this begins to help you


      When comparing strings, one needs to use 'eq', not '=='.

        whoops, sorry :-)

        I'll correct that

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