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Re: "unique" filename?

by quidity (Pilgrim)
on Dec 03, 2000 at 22:22 UTC ( [id://44688]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to "unique" filename?

The module File::MkTemp seems to be what you want:

use File::MkTemp; $dir = '.'; # directory to create file in $string = mktemp('tempXXXXXX',$dir); open(F,$string);

Will return a unique file name, you can also have it return a unique file handle so that there is no chance of opening an identical file in two instances of your script:

use File::MkTemp; $dir = '.'; # directory to create file in $fh = mkstemp('tempXXXXXX',$dir); print $fh "stuff"; $fh->close;

You can add more 'X's, but you need at least six.

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