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Class::DBI::Loader error: Can't locate object method "set_db"by kudra (Vicar) |
on Apr 12, 2005 at 09:21 UTC ( [id://446896]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
kudra has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:
I've been using Class::DBI and decided to try Class::DBI::Loader.
Unfortunately I get an error even when I've reduced my code to a minimum, which is almost a duplicate of example the documentation: I am then using this module from a simple script which only tries to retrieve something from one of the tables. This gives me the error 'Can't locate object method "set_db"' for the first table (alphabetically) in my database. It's obviously not inheriting correctly from Class::DBI somewhere along the line, but adding Class::DBI as a base does not solve the problem. By adding Class::DBI to @ISA in Class::DBI::Loader::Generic's _load_classes routine I can force my way past the problem just long enough to get hung up on a call to set_up_table(). Clearly there are also other things the author wanted. I don't see this problem listed in open bugs for Class::DBI::Loader and I find it difficult to imagine that I'd be the first one to find it. Therefore I hope perhaps someone can point me to what I'm doing wrong. I've read related nodes on the subject, such as this one, but that didn't seem to provide the answer. I am using Perl 5.8.5, Class::DBI::Loader version 0.18, and Class::DBI version 0.96. Thank you.
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