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Re: Re: the god awful =~

by nashdj (Friar)
on Dec 04, 2000 at 11:41 UTC ( [id://44756]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: the god awful =~
in thread the god awful =~

Maybe £okì wasnt 100% clear, but if you look at his script it is kind of the reverse. He wants to print out some text for each name that matches against $request.

None the less, you have raised an interesting point, is repeating a regex better than a long disjunctive regex? In one script I have, I need to test around 300 words against a single sentence and strip them out (its just a psudo-ai type thing that needs to ignore a lot of psudo-useless words).

The way its currently being done is simply:

$foo =~ s/$_//i for (@list);

Are there any faster/better ways than that?

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