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Do you know where your variables are?

Re: A First - Please Comment

by nashdj (Friar)
on Dec 05, 2000 at 16:28 UTC ( [id://44977]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to A First - Please Comment

Personally I like being as short as possible :)

$/=-1,print map(chr hex,split(/#|\n/,<DATA>))

Unfortunately short in this case is rather readable, so its not so great.

I really like your use of $= and $; they really play tricks on the eyes.

I would recommend that you

  • Abuse and confuse with map
  • Try encoding your data in different ways, it gets very familiar seeing japh text in decimal and hex :)
  • Throw in a couple of naked blocks just for the sake of it
  • Venture deeper into perl, and use things that you have never seen before, and mignt never use again. But you would be suprised, I personally find this a great way to learn the guts of perl.
- nashdj

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