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Perl DBI Mistaking a Number For a String

by {NULE} (Hermit)
on Apr 21, 2005 at 13:42 UTC ( [id://449977]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

{NULE} has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi Monks,

I'm befuddled because I Perl DBI program that's been running for over a year has suddenly started complaining about a prepared statement. I have a feeling that my system admin must have updated something, but this really shouldn't be something that breaks. I was hoping someone here has seen it and might be able to shed some light into why it happened suddenly. Here's the code (just the important parts):

my $sh = $dbh->prepare("select * from records where date <= ? order by + date asc, time asc limit ?,10000") || die "Could not prepare select: " . $dbh->errstr; my $date = "2005-02-26"; my $n = 0; $sh->execute($date, $n) || die "Could not execute select: " . $dbh->errstr;
This code dies because the $n value seems to be interpreted as a string, so the prepared statement ends up quoting it in the limit portion like so " limit '0',10000", which MySQL doesn't like.

Again this was working fine a few days ago and broke abruptly, I'm assuming, because something was updated. Has anybody seen this and better yet, knows of a work around? Thanks much,

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Re: Perl DBI Mistaking a Number For a String
by Transient (Hermit) on Apr 21, 2005 at 13:45 UTC
    If any arguments are given, then execute will effectively call "bind_param" for each value before executing the statement. Values bound in this way are usually treated as SQL_VARCHAR types unless the driver can determine the correct type (which is rare), or unless bind_param (or bind_param_inout) has already been used to specify the type.

    I suggest calling bind_param for each parameter and passing the correct bind type. Did you perhaps upgrade your MySQL or DBD::MySQL?
      Hi again,

      I changed the code to use a bind_param and it seems to be working. This is what it looks like now:

      my $sh = $dbh->prepare("select * from records where date <= ? order by + date asc, time asc limit ?,10000") || die "Could not prepare select: " . $dbh->errstr; my $date = "2005-02-26"; my $n = 0; $sh->bind_param(1, $date, SQL_DATE); $sh->bind_param(2, $n, SQL_INTEGER); $sh->execute() || die "Could not execute select: " . $dbh->errstr;
      It still seems a little odd that the code broke in this manner. Never the less, I appreciate the quick reply as this was a production problem and I was stuck. :)


      Thanks for the reply. MySQL certainly has not been updated, but DBD::MySQL may have been. I'm trying to reach my admin to find out if that's the case. I'll play with bind_param and see what I come up with.


Re: Perl DBI Mistaking a Number For a String
by cees (Curate) on Apr 21, 2005 at 14:35 UTC
      Good information. You'll be happy to know that this is an old script and going away. I actually only needed it for one last run to archive off an old table. :) I've made a note to avoid placeholders in limit clauses in the future.


      Of course if you are married to MySQL, that won't make too much of a difference, barring MySQL changing things.

      Do you mean like this?

Re: Perl DBI Mistaking a Number For a String
by tantarbobus (Hermit) on Apr 21, 2005 at 15:23 UTC
    In DBD::mysql 2.9006 you can set $dbh->{mysql_unsafe_bind_type_guessing}=2, and it will try and guess whether to bind as a string or as an int.

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