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Re: Comparison Of Files

by gaspodethewonderdog (Monk)
on Dec 05, 2000 at 20:17 UTC ( [id://45005]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Comparison Of Files

well this is untested code, but maybe something like this:
compare_sites("newsite1.txt", "newsite2.txt") if day eq "monday..." # psuedo code compare_sites("newsite2.txt", "newsite1.txt") if day eq "tuesday..." # psuedo code sub compare_sites { my $file1 = shift; my $file2 = shift; open IN1, $file1; while(<IN1>) { chomp; $newsite1{$_}++; } # while close IN1; open IN2, $file2; while(<IN2>) { chomp; print "$_ is a new site\n" if not defined($newsite1{$_}); } # while close IN2; } # compare_sites
Hopefully memory isn't a problem... but otherwise this shouldn't be too bad a solutions


changed the code to a function as per tye's suggestion (and so he doesn't think I'm trying to make him look like an idiot I added this comment)... and added psuedo code for calling the function based on dates... :P


changed the does not exist line to print the site name and not a number... plus it identifies that it is a new site...

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Re: Re: Comparison Of Files
by runrig (Abbot) on Dec 05, 2000 at 22:47 UTC
    One thing. I would change this:
    while(<IN2>) { chomp; print "$_ is a new site\n" if not defined($newsite1{$_}); } # while
    to this:
    while(<IN2>) { chomp; print "$_ is a new site\n" unless exists $newsite1{$_}; } # while
    Checking for the existence of a key is quicker than looking up the value of a hash element.
Re: Re: Comparison Of Files
by Albannach (Monsignor) on Dec 05, 2000 at 21:06 UTC
    How about something like this to choose the order of files:
    if( -M 'newsite1.txt' > -M 'newsite2.txt' ) { compare_sites('newsite1.txt', 'newsite2.txt') } else { compare_sites('newsite2.txt', 'newsite1.txt') }
    That way if for some reason the update doesn't run one day, you'll still be comparing the files in proper order.

    I'd like to be able to assign to an luser

Re: Re: Comparison Of Files
by ImpalaSS (Monk) on Dec 05, 2000 at 20:23 UTC
    Hey, i would use that kind of solution, but each file gets updates on alternating days. So on one day, newsite1.txt might be the newest file, and the other newsite2.txt might. I need a way to just see, if one name is in the other, and if its not.. print it, so if newsite2.txt has a site that newsite1.txt does not, print it, and viceversa.


      Then make it into a subroutine and reverse the arguments to it (the names of the files) depending on the day.

              - tye (but my friends call me "Tye")

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