My first idea was a "merge sort" (well, at least the "merge" part of it). Luckilly you say that the files are already sorted so this is easy. But I still don't think it is as easy as extending what gaspodethewonderdog came up with (since you said in the chatterbox that you wanted both additions and deletions).
sub compare {
my( $old, $new )= @_;
open OLD, "< $old" or die "Can't read $old: $!\n";
open NEW, "< $new" or die "Can't read $new: $!\n";
my %old;
while( <OLD> ) {
close OLD;
my @new;
while( <NEW> ) {
push @new, $_ if delete $old{$_};
close NEW;
my @old= sort keys %old;
print "New sites:\n\t", join("\n\t",@new), $/;
print "Old sites:\n\t", join("\n\t",@old), $/;
Then use Alabanach's idea for deciding which order to compare the files in.
(but my friends call me "Tye")