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Re: Dealing with incorrect shebang line entries on Windows with Apache

by dave0 (Friar)
on May 04, 2005 at 16:00 UTC ( [id://454009]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Dealing with incorrect shebang line entries on Windows with Apache

The best idea is to ensure that your development environments are identical in configuration to your production server.

Your dev systems might have a few extra debugging tools, a nicer text editor, etc, but you'll run into far fewer issues if you at least keep your Perl installations identical.

  • Comment on Re: Dealing with incorrect shebang line entries on Windows with Apache

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Re^2: Dealing with incorrect shebang line entries on Windows with Apache
by tohann (Sexton) on May 04, 2005 at 16:04 UTC
    Is that common, though? Installing Perl on a WinNT machine into /usr/bin/perl or whatever *nix path structure? I know there's nothing preventing it, I'm just wondering what the best practice is.
      No idea... all my Perl work has been in *NIX environments. Since you suggested that creating /usr/local/bin/perl locally was an option you had considered, I just assumed that your dev environment was also UNIX-like.

      If you're dealing with multiple OS'es, it might be easiest to have your check-in and check-out scripts insert the correct path for that system, or to have your Makefile.PL do it for you as gellyfish suggested.

      By *default* on unix, there is some version of perl in /usr/bin/perl. Generally a newer version of perl is a /usr/local/bin/perl or /home/zaz/my_perl. On windows, generally active state perl is installed at c:\perl\bin\perl , but cygwin installs perl at c:\cygwin\usr\bin\perl, which, if you are using cygwin's apache, you would call perl by /usr/bin/perl . If you use Oracle, you can use the oracle version of perl (not really recommended) at a path (similar to) /u01/oracle/some/version/export/bin/perl .
      As far as development systems being different than production systems, in general, they almost are *always* different. Generally, older systems are used as development boxes, since they don't need the speed of production servers. (Also accept *slower* boxes, since there are times when you can't control the production environment, especially when you don't have root on the box.)
      BTW. 300th post. :-)

      Zak - the office

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