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Re: creating a weekly planner in postscript format

by dave0 (Friar)
on May 12, 2005 at 06:13 UTC ( [id://456258]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to creating a weekly planner in postscript format

It's not Perl, and it doesn't do Postscript day-at-a-glance pages out of the box, but you might want to check out remind. This is what I use, but I get along fine with the monthly calendar (Postscript, HTML, and plaintext) and the plain-text daily view.

Since it does have code for generating Postscript monthly calendars, you might be able to adapt it to generate a daily view. On a more Perlish front, parsing the output of "remind -s" and using PostScript::Simple to generate your daily view might be more appropriate.

For some more detailed articles, see or

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