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Re: Memory errors while processing 2GB XML file with XML:Twig on Windows 2000

by dbwiz (Curate)
on May 15, 2005 at 19:08 UTC ( [id://457274]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Memory errors while processing 2GB XML file with XML:Twig on Windows 2000

2GB XML files are beyond the limit of my direct experience with XML, but I can address you to a few places where you may be able to find the right answer:

  • There is an article written by one of the creators of XML, dealing with this kind of problems.
  • Additionally, there was a discussion here on Perlmonks (is XML too hard?), where there are several interesting points
  • Finally, you may try your hand with XML::TokeParser, which is a module that came out of the above mentioned discussion.

Good luck.

  • Comment on Re: Memory errors while processing 2GB XML file with XML:Twig on Windows 2000

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Re^2: Memory errors while processing 2GB XML file with XML:Twig on Windows 2000
by nan (Novice) on May 16, 2005 at 11:04 UTC

    Thank you so much for the help. I'll try XML:TokeParser later and let you know the result.

    Thanks again,

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