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Re^2: IO::Socket::UNIX recvmsg error

by fuzzyping (Chaplain)
on May 16, 2005 at 02:21 UTC ( [id://457335]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: IO::Socket::UNIX recvmsg error
in thread IO::Socket::UNIX recvmsg error

Yes, the writer does indeed try to seek on the descriptor. I gave up trying to use fifo/pipes for just this reason.


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Re^3: IO::Socket::UNIX recvmsg error
by mattk (Pilgrim) on May 16, 2005 at 05:53 UTC
    In this case, FIFOs would actually be more appropriate than sockets. Sockets are analogous to TCP or UDP connections (which is no coincidence), whereas FIFOs are closer to "ordinary" file operations. But since you've already been down that road, you'll have to look elsewhere.

    Have you considered processing lines from the file as they arrive, tail -f style?
      Tailing it won't work either. I'm using djm's Flowd, which expects you to init() the logfile. It does not accept stdin as a interface for conversion. I'm working with djm right now, it appears the fifo problem is a bug with flowd.



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