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Re^2: Memory errors while processing 2GB XML file with XML:Twig on Windows 2000

by nan (Novice)
on May 16, 2005 at 10:53 UTC ( [id://457406]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Memory errors while processing 2GB XML file with XML:Twig on Windows 2000
in thread Memory errors while processing 2GB XML file with XML:Twig on Windows 2000

Hi Zaxo,

Thank you for the advice. My Perl is v5.8.6 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread.

My XML sample file is shown below:

Basically, the XML file has two key parallelled nodes: <Topic/> and <ExternalPage/>. If there is a <link/> child existing in <Topic/>, <ExternalPage/> node will be existing for showing more detailed information about the content of this <link/> such as <d:Title/> and <d:Description/>.

However, not every <Topic/> node has one or more <link/> child, so I need to write a loop to find out if <link/> is a child of <Topic/> nodes. If there are some <link/> nodes existing, I will check each of <ExternalPages> to output more information.

<Topic r:id="Top">

<ExternalPage about="">

<Topic r:id="Top/Arts">

<Topic r:id="Top/Arts/Movies/Titles/1/10_Rillington_Place">
<link r:resource=""/>
<link r:resource=""/>

<ExternalPage about="">
<d:Title>British Horror Films: 10 Rillington Place</d:Title>
<d:Description>Review which looks at plot especially the shocking features of it.</d:Description>

<ExternalPage about="">
<d:Title>MMI Movie Review: 10 Rillington Place</d:Title>
<d:Description>Review includes plot, real life story behind the film and realism in the film.</d:Description>

my codes are shown below which is quite straightforward:

use warnings;
use strict;
use XML::Twig;

my $twig= new XML::Twig;
$twig->parsefile( "./content.example.txt");
my $root = $twig->root;
chdir "F:/httpserv"; #set initial directory
foreach my $topic ($root->children('Topic')) {
if ($topic->children('link')){ #if element <link/> is a child of <Topic/>, change directory for index writing
chdir $topic->att('r:id');
foreach my $link ($topic->children('link')) {
foreach my $extpage ($root->children('ExternalPage')) {
if ($link->att('r:resource') eq $extpage->att('about')){
print $extpage->first_child_text('d:Title'), "\n";
print $extpage->first_child_text('d:Description'), "\n";
$twig->purge; #I'm not sure if I need to purge in each loop.
chdir "F:/httpserv"; #reset directory pointer to local root directory
Thanks again,
  • Comment on Re^2: Memory errors while processing 2GB XML file with XML:Twig on Windows 2000

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