This is probably going overboard, but I have an idea for a comprehensive method for capturing STDIN/STDOUT. The goal is to capture all traffic, but be method agnostic. Also, I want to allow nested captures. The two general methods I know of for doing this involve dup'ing file handles and tieing file handles. Dup'ing is most useful when you want to capture all the output of a exec'd process. Tieing is generally useful when you need to capture output within Perl (e.g., IO::String, IO::Scalar, etc.). Oh, and the final requirement: it must work in Perl 5.6, so PerlIO is right out.
Read on for my solution...
I've tested this code in a very limited fashion (i.e., this script), but I want to know if anyone sees any caveats to this solution. Is it sound? Do you like it? What would you change?
The capture_streams() subroutine is the interesting part. The rest is the test script.
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Temp 'tempfile';
use IO::String;
use Symbol;
sub capture_streams {
my $in = shift;
my $out = shift;
my $code = shift;
my $tie_in = UNIVERSAL::can($in, 'TIEHANDLE');
my $tie_out = UNIVERSAL::can($out, 'TIEHANDLE');
my ($save_in, $save_out);
my ($save_in_fd, $save_out_fd);
# Save/capture STDIN
if ($tie_in) {
$save_in = tied *STDIN;
tie *STDIN, $in;
} else {
if (tied *STDIN) {
$save_in = tied *STDIN;
no warnings 'untie';
untie *STDIN;
$save_in_fd = gensym;
open($save_in_fd, '<&STDIN');
open(STDIN, '<&='.fileno($in));
# Save/capture STDOUT
if ($tie_out) {
$save_out = tied *STDOUT;
tie *STDOUT, $out;
} else {
if (tied *STDOUT) {
$save_out = tied *STDOUT;
no warnings 'untie';
untie *STDOUT;
$save_out_fd = gensym;
open($save_out_fd, '>&STDOUT');
open(STDOUT, '>&='.fileno($out));
# Run code within captured handles
my $result;
if (wantarray) {
my @array = $code->(@_);
$result = \@array;
} else {
$result = $code->(@_);
# Restore STDOUT
if ($tie_out) {
if (defined $save_out) {
tie *STDOUT, $save_out;
} else {
no warnings 'untie';
untie *STDOUT;
} else {
open(STDOUT, '>&='.fileno($save_out_fd));
if (defined $save_out) {
tie *STDOUT, $save_out;
# Restore STDIN
if ($tie_in) {
if (defined $save_in) {
tie *STDIN, $save_in;
} else {
no warnings 'untie';
untie *STDIN;
} else {
open(STDIN, '<&='.fileno($save_in_fd));
if (defined $save_in) {
tie *STDIN, $save_in;
return wantarray ? @$result : $result;
sub test_it {
my ($in, $out, $data) = @_;
print $in $data;
seek $in, 0, 0;
capture_streams($in, $out, sub {
while (<STDIN>) {
print $_;
seek $out, 0, 0;
while (<$out>) {
sub nested_test_it {
my ($in, $in2, $out, $out2, $data) = @_;
print $in $data;
seek $in, 0, 0;
capture_streams($in, $out, sub {
while (<STDIN>) {
print $in2 $_;
seek $in2, 0, 0;
capture_streams($in2, $out2, sub {
while (<STDIN>) {
print $_;
seek $out2, 0, 0;
while (<$out2>) {
seek $out, 0, 0;
while (<$out>) {
my $data = join '', <STDIN>;
eval {
print "Test 0\n";
print '=' x 70, "\n";
test_it(IO::String->new, IO::String->new, $data);
}; print STDERR $@ if $@;
eval {
print "\nTest 1\n";
print '=' x 70, "\n";
test_it(scalar(tempfile), scalar(tempfile), $data);
}; print STDERR $@ if $@;
eval {
print "\nTest 2\n";
print '=' x 70, "\n";
IO::String->new, IO::String->new,
IO::String->new, IO::String->new,
}; print STDERR $@ if $@;
eval {
print "\nTest 3\n";
print '=' x 70, "\n";
scalar(tempfile), IO::String->new,
IO::String->new, scalar(tempfile),
}; print STDERR $@ if $@;
eval {
print "\nTest 4\n";
print '=' x 70, "\n";
IO::String->new, scalar(tempfile),
scalar(tempfile), IO::String->new,
}; print STDERR $@ if $@;
eval {
print "\nTest 5\n";
print '=' x 70, "\n";
scalar(tempfile), scalar(tempfile),
scalar(tempfile), scalar(tempfile),
}; print STDERR $@ if $@;