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Re: The three virtues of Perl are CONFLICTING!

by Anonymous Monk
on Dec 11, 2000 at 02:04 UTC ( [id://45981]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to The three virtues of Perl are CONFLICTING!

If you were LAZY you would want to learn vi so as to save yourself time and trouble over the long haul. If you were IMPATIENT, you would want to learn vi as soon as possible so as to start reaping the benefits sooner rather than later. Finally, with HUBRIS you would not want just to learn vi but instead not be satisfied with less than complete mastery of vi. Admitting that vi (or some other programmer's editor) is superior to pico for your tasks, but then not making the effort to learn it is neither Laziness, Impatience, nor Hubris.
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