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Re: The three virtues of Perl are CONFLICTING!

by extremely (Priest)
on Dec 11, 2000 at 03:06 UTC ( [id://45987]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to The three virtues of Perl are CONFLICTING!

Here is a Pico story for ya. Years ago, on an SGI IRIX machine, the version of Pico on there had a nasty habit of truncating lines. I had a script that ran off of a data file we selected special out of a DB. The select was done at a particular time and then the DB moved on. The last field was a number and each line was about 255 characters wide. With the return on the end, the line was 1 chracter too long so it chopped one digit off the end of every integer and put the return back on. OUCH! That is a high price to pay for quickly fixing the spelling of someone's name

It also took the else {} chunk off of a giant long line once but I pretty much blame that on the author not the editor. =)

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honk() if $you->love(perl)

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