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Re: The three virtues of Perl are CONFLICTING!

by chromatic (Archbishop)
on Dec 11, 2000 at 09:50 UTC ( [id://46027]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to The three virtues of Perl are CONFLICTING!

The virtues are surprisingly similar to some of the values of the Extreme Programmer:
  • Build for today -- write the simplest code that will fulfill the required objectives
  • Don't add complexity you can add later (for the same or slightly higher cost)
  • Refactor mercilessly -- keep improving your code
On the other hand, Larry went a little overboard with the laziness. Thirteen or fourteen years later, he's still working on Perl while he's no longer connecting the two machines cross country.

Sometimes you've just gotta do the best you can.

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