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Re: Drag and drop with selection

by japhy (Canon)
on May 28, 2005 at 04:10 UTC ( [id://461280]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Drag and drop with selection

I've implemented a multi-item d-n-d in Gtk2, but I'm not sure how translatable to Tk that is.

Jeff japhy Pinyan, P.L., P.M., P.O.D, X.S.: Perl, regex, and perl hacker
How can we ever be the sold short or the cheated, we who for every service have long ago been overpaid? ~~ Meister Eckhart

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Re^2: Drag and drop with selection
by blogan (Monk) on May 31, 2005 at 17:13 UTC
    I would also be interested in seeing this. I'm not too picky on the library I'll be using.

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