#!/usr/bin/perl -sw
# BeatBox2001
use strict;
# usage: BeatBox [-t=120] input.tab | timidity -
# or BeatBox input.tab > output.mid
# The -t switch can be optionnaly be used to set the tempo
# (default 60)
# See the __DATA__ section for instructions on how to
# write the input.tab files
use MIDI::Simple;
$main::t ||= 60;
set_tempo( 100000 / ($main::t / 120) );
my %beatbox = process();
play_beat( \%beatbox );
write_score( \*STDOUT );
### Process the 'music sheet' ###
sub process {
my ( %beatbox, $module_flag );
while (<>) {
next if /^#/;
if (/^\s*PLAY\(([^)]+)\)/) {
push @{ $beatbox{'PLAYLIST'} }, split ( /,/, $1 );
if (/^\s*\*(\w+)\*$/) { $module_flag = $1 }
if (/^\s*(\w+)\s*:\s*([x|-]+)$/) {
my ( $instr, $event ) = ( $1, $2 );
@{ $beatbox{$module_flag}{$instr} } = split ( //, $event )
return %beatbox;
### Make some noise ###
sub play_beat {
my %beatbox = %{ +shift };
my $patches = load_patches();
foreach my $segment ( @{ $beatbox{'PLAYLIST'} } ) {
foreach my $beat ( 0 .. 15 ) {
synch(map {
$beatbox{$segment}{$_}[$beat] eq 'x' && exists $patches
+->{$_} ?
$patches->{$_} : $patches->{'_silent_'};
} keys %{ $beatbox{$segment}}
### Instruments (ab)used by the processor ###
# the (n35, n44, n42, ...) are the notes of the percussions
# on channel 9.
sub load_patches {
my $patches = {
'_silent_' => sub { my $it = shift; $it->r },
# Drums
'C' => sub { my $it = shift; $it->n('c9','ff','n35','qn')},
'H' => sub { my $it = shift; $it->n('c9','mf','n44','qn')},
'Rd' => sub { my $it = shift; $it->n('c9','mf','n44','qn')},
't' => sub { my $it = shift; $it->n('c9','mf','n50','qn')},
'T' => sub { my $it = shift; $it->n('c9','mf','n48','qn')},
'S' => sub { my $it = shift; $it->n('c9','ff','n40','qn')},
'S2' => sub { my $it = shift; $it->n('c9','ff','n38','qn')},
'F' => sub { my $it = shift; $it->n('c9','ff','n49','qn')},
'F2' => sub { my $it = shift; $it->n('c9','ff','n47','qn')},
'B' => sub { my $it = shift; $it->n('c9','ff','n36','qn')},
'Hf' => sub { my $it = shift; $it->n('c9','mf','n42','qn')},
# Pretty straightforward format
# *whateveryouwant* : name of the measure
# instrumentname : must be a delared sub in your code
# '--x-x-' line : is the 16 beats of a measure, put
# a 'x' if you want to make it sound.
# PLAY(A1,A2,...) : The playlist, will play all the pre
# declared measures in the given order
# (note that you have to put a colon between the
# instrument's name and the miserable excuse for a partition
# If you make some cool grooves send'em my way!
# C : Cymbal
# H : Hi-Hat
# Rd : Ride Cymbal
# t : Small Tom
# T : Medium Tom
# S : Snare Drum
# F : Floor Tom
# F2 : 2nd Floor Tom
# B : Bass Drum
# Hf : Hi-Ha w/Foot
S : ----x-------x---
B : x-x---x---x-----
H : x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-
S : ----x--x----x---
B : x-------x-x-----
H : x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-
S : ----x--x----xxxx
B : x---x---x---x---
H : x-xxx-x-x-x-xxx-
# from http://www.mxtabs.net/
H : xxxx-xx-x-xx-x-x
S : ----x--x-x--x-x-
B : x-x-----x-xx----
t : --x-------------
T : -----------x----
S : --x---x----x---x
F : ------x--------x
B : x--xx--x-x--xx--
H : x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-
S : ----x-------x---
B : x--x-xx--xx-----
H : x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-
S : ----x-------x---
B : x--x--x--xx-----
H : x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-
S : ----x-------x---
B : x-x--x-x--------
C : x---------------
H : --x-x-x-x-x-x-x-
S : ----x--x----x---
B : x-x------xx--x-x
C : x---------------
H : --x-x-x-x-x-x-x-
S : ----x--x-x--x---
B : xx-x--x-x--x-x-x
C : x---------------
H : --x-x-x-x-x-x-x-
S : ----x--xx--xx--x
B : x-xx-x-x--x--x-x
C : x-----------x---
H : --x-x---x-------
S : ----x-xx-x--x-x-
B : -x-x------x--x--