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PerlMonks |
HTML::Template's watchful eyeby jeyroz (Monk) |
on Jun 24, 2005 at 18:32 UTC ( [id://469785]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
jeyroz has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question: My web applications (in most cases) use a main "HTML::Template" driven template for the structure of the page and include smaller templates for each screen. For example, my main_template.html will contain the header, main content divs, error / success divs, footer, etc. In order to build a search screen or a results screen I <TMPL_INCLUDE> a smaller specific template to build out the display ... simple. My question is this: If I break the <TMPL_INCLUDE> path of an included template, HTML::Template complains (as it should). But, if this template isn't actually being called for display in that specific run mode (ie: it's hidden behind a <TMPL_IF>), why is H::T checking its path? This tells me that H::T is checking all <TMPL_INCLUDE> paths whether they are being used or not. While I am happy that H::T is looking out for my "best-interests", this seems a little wasteful if only a single template is being used out of a possible X number of templates. Any thoughts? Am I missing something? Thanks, as always, for your input. author => jeyroz
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