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compilers and editors

by Anonymous Monk
on Dec 18, 2000 at 02:20 UTC ( [id://47151]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Anonymous Monk has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I began my programming using ADA95. There is quite a useful tool available for editing and compiling ADA for Win95. this editor gives exact descriptions of any sintax errors and what their correct replacements should be. Are there any such tools for perl available and if so where can i get them? cheers.

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Re: compilers and editors
by blogan (Monk) on Dec 18, 2000 at 05:29 UTC
    I believe he's talking about AdaGIDE, which is really quite nice. It does highlighting of your code, when compiling, errors appear in the bottom window and you click on one and the line the error is on will be jump to in the top window. Another nifty feature of this I found was the auto-reformat, where you can specify how you want your code to be formatted, which is something I would like. A lot of reformatters I've found make it very difficult to specify how you want things formatted, for example, I write my if statements like:
    if (boolean) { statement; statement; } else { statement; statement; }
    but I find alot of reformatters like to:

    if (boolean) { statement; statement; } else { statement; statement; }
    If I anyone can show a good, customizable reformatter (that is easily customizable), I'd appreciate it.
      Try cperl-mode for EMACS.
      It has a very nice formatter (completely customizable), and allows the same kind of 'goto line with error' functionality among a lot of others...


        is the cperl module available for windows??

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