last updated: 2008-12-11
x a
c t
s h
Quick links:
Code Illustrating Hashes and Related Syntax
Hash Assignment
Hash Element Access
exists ( $hash{$key} )
keys( %hash )
delete ( $hash{key} )
values( %hash )
each( %hash )
Make an "Inverse" Hash
Let's Expand Our Real-World Example...
Visualizing a Hash Structure with FakeHash
A List of Hash Resources
Some Very Simple Code Illustrating Hashes and Related Syntax
#! /usr/local/bin/perl -w
# these are very simplistic syntax examples;
# there's much more to know, so see the
# resources below!
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
# Hash Assignment
# In this case, a
# 1 : 1 relationship
# key => value
my %StateName = (
AK => 'Alaska',
AL => 'Alabama',
AR => 'Arkansas',
AZ => 'Arizona',
CA => 'California',
CO => 'Colorado',
CT => 'Connecticut',
DC => 'District Of Columbia',
DE => 'Delaware',
FL => 'Florida',
GA => 'Georgia',
HI => 'Hawaii',
IA => 'Iowa',
ID => 'Idaho',
IL => 'Illinois',
IN => 'Indiana',
KS => 'Kansas',
KY => 'Kentucky',
LA => 'Louisiana',
MA => 'Massachusetts',
MD => 'Maryland',
ME => 'Maine',
MI => 'Michigan',
MN => 'Minnesota',
MO => 'Missouri',
MS => 'Mississippi',
MT => 'Montana',
NC => 'North Carolina',
ND => 'North Dakota',
NE => 'Nebraska',
NH => 'New Hampshire',
NJ => 'New Jersey',
NM => 'New Mexico',
NV => 'Nevada',
NY => 'New York',
OH => 'Ohio',
OK => 'Oklahoma',
OR => 'Oregon',
PA => 'Pennsylvania',
RI => 'Rhode Island',
SC => 'South Carolina',
SD => 'South Dakota',
TN => 'Tennessee',
TX => 'Texas',
UT => 'Utah',
VA => 'Virginia',
VT => 'Vermont',
WA => 'Washington',
WI => 'Wisconsin',
WV => 'West Virginia',
WY => 'Wyoming'
my $href = \%StateName; # reference to the hash %StateName
print Dumper $href; # note the order will differ from that
+ above
print "\n";
# hash element access
my $State = 'SD'; # planetscape's home state
my $Name = $StateName{$State};
print "planetscape lives in " . $Name . "\.\n\n";
# exists ( $hash{$key} )
$State = 'QC'; # Quebec, Canada
if (exists($StateName{$State})) {
print "The abbreviation for $State is " . $StateName{$State} . "\.
} else {
print $State . " is not a state! (yet)\n\n";
# keys( %hash )
my $count = keys %StateName;
print "There are $count elements in the hash.\n\n";
foreach $State (keys(%StateName)) {
print "State abbreviation is '$State'\n";
print "\n";
# delete ( $hash{key} )
delete($StateName{DC}); # DC is not actually a state,
# it's a postal abbreviation
# values( %hash )
$count = values %StateName; # $count is one less since we deleted DC
print "There are $count elements in the hash.\n\n";
foreach $State (values(%StateName)) {
print "State name is '$State'\n";
print "\n";
# each( %hash )
while (my($key,$value)=each(%StateName)) { # there's lots more to
print "key='$key', value='$value'\n"; # about "each" - see the
# resour
+ces below!
print "\n";
# make an inverse hash
my %StateAbbreviation = reverse %StateName;
# exists ( $hash{$key} )
$State = 'Quebec'; # QC
if (exists($StateAbbreviation{$State})) {
print "The abbreviation for $State is " . $StateAbbreviation{$Stat
+e} . "\.\n\n";
} else {
print $State . " is not a state! (yet)\n\n";
print "\n";
# let's expand our real-world example from a hash of States
# to a hash of postal abbreviations (not exhaustive)
my %PostalCode = %StateName; # copy %StateName to %PostalCode
$PostalCode{AS} = 'American Samoa';
$PostalCode{DC} = 'District of Columbia';
$PostalCode{FM} = 'Federated States of Micronesia';
$PostalCode{GU} = 'Guam';
$PostalCode{MH} = 'Marshall Islands';
$PostalCode{MP} = 'Northern Mariana Islands';
$PostalCode{PW} = 'Palau';
$PostalCode{PR} = 'Puerto Rico';
$PostalCode{VI} = 'Virgin Islands';
$PostalCode{PW} = 'Palau';
# many more postal codes and abbreviations for the US and Canada
# may be found here:
# and here:
foreach my $pc (keys(%PostalCode)) {
print "PostalCode for '$PostalCode{$pc}' is '$pc'\n";
Visualizing a Hash Structure with FakeHash
FakeHash is a module by Mark-Jason Dominus which was
first announced here. I have elaborated slightly on the
code presented in order to demonstrate some additional details such
as setting drawing parameters. (More info on FakeHash can be
found here.)
use strict;
use warnings;
use FakeHash;
my %h = (
When => 1,
in => 2,
the => 3,
course => 4,
of => 5,
human => 6,
events => 7,
it => 8,
becomes => 9,
necessary => 10,
for => 11,
one => 12,
people => 13,
open( my $FILEHANDLE, ">FakeHashDrawing.txt" );
my $fake = FakeHash::DrawHash->new;
$fake->draw_param( 'BUCKET', [1.5, 0.75] );
$fake->draw_param( 'KVP' => [2.0, 0.75] );
while ( my ( $key, $value ) = each(%h) ) {
$fake->store( $key, $value );
This code produces the following output:
boxwid:=1.5; boxht:=0.75
B00: box
boxwid:=1.5; boxht:=0.75
B01: box with .n at B00.s
circle at B01.c rad 0.1 filled
arrow from B01.c right boxwid/2 + 0.2
boxwid:=2; boxht:=0.75
N0100: box "becomes" "9" "134720492145(17)"
boxwid:=1.5; boxht:=0.75
B02: box with .n at B01.s
circle at B02.c rad 0.1 filled
arrow from B02.c right boxwid/2 + 0.2
boxwid:=2; boxht:=0.75
N0200: box "necessary" "10" "164114526854434(2)"
boxwid:=1.5; boxht:=0.75
B03: box with .n at B02.s
circle at B03.c rad 0.1 filled
arrow from B03.c right boxwid/2 + 0.2
boxwid:=2; boxht:=0.75
N0300: box "human" "6" "131651875(3)"
boxwid:=1.5; boxht:=0.75
B04: box with .n at B03.s
boxwid:=1.5; boxht:=0.75
B05: box with .n at B04.s
boxwid:=1.5; boxht:=0.75
B06: box with .n at B05.s
circle at B06.c rad 0.1 filled
arrow from B06.c right boxwid/2 + 0.2
boxwid:=2; boxht:=0.75
N0600: box "in" "2" "3686(6)"
boxwid:=2; boxht:=0.75
N0601: box "people" "13" "4647902198(22)"
boxwid:=2; boxht:=0.75
N0602: box "course" "4" "4135697990(6)"
boxwid:=1.5; boxht:=0.75
B07: box with .n at B06.s
boxwid:=1.5; boxht:=0.75
B08: box with .n at B07.s
circle at B08.c rad 0.1 filled
arrow from B08.c right boxwid/2 + 0.2
boxwid:=2; boxht:=0.75
N0800: box "When" "1" "3344568(24)"
boxwid:=2; boxht:=0.75
N0801: box "one" "12" "128504(24)"
boxwid:=1.5; boxht:=0.75
B09: box with .n at B08.s
circle at B09.c rad 0.1 filled
arrow from B09.c right boxwid/2 + 0.2
boxwid:=2; boxht:=0.75
N0900: box "events" "7" "4224378201(25)"
boxwid:=1.5; boxht:=0.75
B10: box with .n at B09.s
circle at B10.c rad 0.1 filled
arrow from B10.c right boxwid/2 + 0.2
boxwid:=2; boxht:=0.75
N1000: box "of" "5" "3882(10)"
boxwid:=1.5; boxht:=0.75
B11: box with .n at B10.s
circle at B11.c rad 0.1 filled
arrow from B11.c right boxwid/2 + 0.2
boxwid:=2; boxht:=0.75
N1100: box "the" "3" "133915(27)"
boxwid:=1.5; boxht:=0.75
B12: box with .n at B11.s
circle at B12.c rad 0.1 filled
arrow from B12.c right boxwid/2 + 0.2
boxwid:=2; boxht:=0.75
N1200: box "it" "8" "3692(12)"
boxwid:=2; boxht:=0.75
N1201: box "for" "11" "118444(12)"
boxwid:=1.5; boxht:=0.75
B13: box with .n at B12.s
boxwid:=1.5; boxht:=0.75
B14: box with .n at B13.s
boxwid:=1.5; boxht:=0.75
B15: box with .n at B14.s
Once you have generated FakeHashDrawing.txt with the above Perl
code, you can convert it to PostScript with the following (under
pic FakeHashDrawing.txt | groff -c -Tps >
View the Output
(I then used Jasc Paint Shop Pro
8 to convert PostScript to PNG for display purposes.)
If you prefer a more "modern" standard such as SVG, you can use a
utility such as plotutils'
pic2plot to convert from Unix pic format to SVG
or any other of a wide variety of formats. For example:
pic2plot -T svg FakeHashDrawing.txt > FakeHashDrawing.svg
Produces (on Cygwin):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 20000303 Stylable//EN"
<svg width="8in" height="8in" viewBox="0 0 1 1" preserveAspectRatio="n
<title>SVG drawing</title>
<desc>This was produced by version 4.1 of GNU libplot, a free library
+for exporting 2-D vector graphics.</desc>
<rect x="0" y="0" width="1" height="1" style="stroke:none;fill:white;"
<g transform="translate(0.058854,-0.14453) scale(1,-1) scale(0.11458)
+" xml:space="preserve" style="stroke:black;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke
<rect x="0" y="-0.375" width="1.5" height="0.75" style="stroke-width:0
<rect x="0" y="-1.125" width="1.5" height="0.75" style="stroke-width:0
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<text transform="translate(4.7,-9) scale(1,-1) " style="font-family:'H
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<rect x="0" y="-11.625" width="1.5" height="0.75" style="stroke-width:
For more on visualizing complex data structures, please see Re: How can I visualize my complex data structure?
A List of Hash Resources
Chapter 3 in
Beginning Perl by Simon Cozens (PDF)
Chapter 5 of
Picking Up Perl by Bradley M. Kuhn
Section 2.3 in
Impatient Perl by
Greg London (PDF)
Steve's place - Perl
Tutorial, by Steve Cook (archive)
Perl Training Australia's
superlative materials:
What is Scalar
Context? by Dominus
References Today by Dominus
Hashes, as explained in
PerlGuts Illustrated, by
Gisle Aas
How Hashes Really
Work, by Abhijit Menon-Sen
Effective Perl:
Intermediate and Advanced Topics contains a wealth of information, not
limited to hashes, but also including several pages on
Joseph N. Hall's PErl Graphical Structures (PEGS).
Uri Guttman's tutorial on
PerlMonks Tutorials:
the basic datatypes, three, by root
Hash Keys (strings or numbers?), by robot_tourist
The Uniqueness of hashes, by injunjoel
Multidimensional Arrays, by CharlesClarkson
references, by busunsl
References quick reference, by tye
Object Serialization Basics, by chromatic
PerlMonks Categorized Questions and Answers:
Other PerlMonks Nodes:
Extracting array of hashes from data by nysus
how to avoid mis-spelling hash keys?, by Gorilla
Perl Internals: Hashes, by Kozz
help with hashes, by Anonymous Monk
The Bad, the Ugly, and the Good of autovivification, by tlm
the third item on tye's scratchpad is a hash intro
Autovivification trick, by blazar
perlfaq4: Data Manipulation - Manipulating numbers, dates, strings, arrays, hashes, and miscellaneous data issues
perlreftut }
perldsc }Thanks, wfsp!
perllol }
Obligatory Google
Chapters 5 and 15 of
Learning Perl by Randal L. Schwartz and Tom Phoenix
Pages 10-12 and 76-78 of
Programming Perl,
3rd Ed., by Larry Wall, Tom Christiansen, Jon Orwant
Chapter 5 of the
Perl Cookbook,
1st Ed., by Tom Christiansen, Nathan Torkington
Update: This is only a beginning. I noticed a lack of material on hashes in the Tutorials section, and thought I could contribute something, even though it might be one step at a time...
Update(s): Thanks to wfsp for pointing out... I forgot the perldocs!
2005-07-02: added perlfaq4, perlref, 125289, 137108, 69927, 224434
2005-07-06: several links per section; too lazy to enumerate
2005-07-07: added QandASection: hashes, tye's scratchpad, and some code
2005-08-07: added info on FakeHash, including code and graphics
2005-09-12: fixed several broken links, brought to my attention by Hue-Bond (Thanks!)
2005-12-18: added link to The Uniqueness of hashes, by injunjoel
2006-03-25: re-arranged code and references in more logical order; added
anchors; added pic and SVG output and info on pic2plot
2006-03-26: added link to Object Serialization Basics, by chromatic
2006-08-13: added link to Autovivification trick, by blazar
2008-12-11: fixed several broken links, brought to my attention by pmonk4ever (Thanks!); also fixed a few b0rked tags
Re: Not Exactly a Hash Tutorial
by pmonk4ever (Friar) on Dec 11, 2008 at 21:27 UTC
Nice 'Not Exactly a Hash Tutorial' article...good job, hashes are certainly clearer now. It helps to cut and paste your examples and run them.
The following links I noticed were broken:
Hashes, as explained in PerlGuts Illustrated, by Gisle Aas How Hashes Really Work, by Abhijit Menon-Sen
Effective Perl: Intermediate and Advanced Topics contains a wealth of information, not limited to hashes, but also including several pages on Joseph N. Hall's PErl Graphical Structures (PEGS)
I received a 404 error for them...
Other than that I appreciated all the examples you provided and the links that did work, I downloaded the documents...never know when they will disappear...
Thanks again! :)
"No trees were harmed in the creation of this node. However, a rather large number of electrons were somewhat inconvenienced."
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Re: Not Exactly a Hash Tutorial
by pmonk4ever (Friar) on Oct 08, 2009 at 00:28 UTC
Thanks again, for updating the links on this node!
Have a great day!
It doesn't appear these Tutorials get much use, kinda dusty down here, *cough, cough* :>)
"No trees were harmed in the creation of this node. However, a rather large number of electrons were somewhat inconvenienced."
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