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Re^3: Test suggestor?

by mpeters (Chaplain)
on Jul 11, 2005 at 13:39 UTC ( [id://473928]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^2: Test suggestor?
in thread Test suggestor?

If you use Module::Build then you can have a test harness with coverage testing simpley by running:
perl Build.PL ./Build testcover
Even if you aren't planning on releasing it on CPAN or if it's more than single module, I'd still take a look at creating a Build.PL with Module::Build cause it couldn't get any simpler.

-- More people are killed every year by pigs than by sharks, which shows you how good we are at evaluating risk. -- Bruce Schneier

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Re^4: Test suggestor?
by tphyahoo (Vicar) on Jul 11, 2005 at 14:02 UTC
    Very nice. OK, I'm taking this route, since it also gets me using Module::Build, which is probably going to save me more time down the road, and that's what it's about. Thanks everyone!

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