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Re^2: Shipping a Perl/Tk App

by gri6507 (Deacon)
on Jul 12, 2005 at 21:15 UTC ( [id://474392]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Shipping a Perl/Tk App
in thread Shipping a Perl/Tk App

PAR takes care of all of the packaging issues. It even has packages a perl interpreter. As a result, the deliverable is a single executable that contains EVERYTHING. I don't see why you say it would be a problem. If you mean learning to program is Tk is difficult, then I would tend to disagree, because that's a relative statement. To some learning Java is more difficult that Tk

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Re^3: Shipping a Perl/Tk App
by jpeg (Chaplain) on Jul 12, 2005 at 21:24 UTC
    Can PAR deliver a single binary that will run on Mac OS, Windows, and any flavor of 'nix? That's how I interpreted tomazos' requirements.
      well, even if you look at the *cough* ton *cough* of java apps that are shipped out there many you will find still ship separate installers for each platform. This is because they either a) require a specific vendors or version of java vm, b) run native code anyways to work with native os functions, or c) are written in such a way that they must be tweaked to run on each platform. I see no difference packaging up 3 PAR bundles (solaris, windows, linux) and offering them based on the OS that you will be running on.

      Well single binary would be nice, but I don't mind compiling multiple binaries. The important thing is that I want a single codebase, and that I am writing it in an easy-to-use rapid development environment (why I am trying to pick Perl/Tk). I have minimal time to spend on this side project, so every minute of my development time is at a premium.

      The requirements of the actual project should really be handled by a web server/browser/HTML/CSS/Javascript, but even the minimal stuff I want to do in terms of text editing/diffing and displaying a simple tree of data are way too hard for the browser implementation of CSS/HTML to handle in a way that is consistent across platforms - and believe me I tried. Browser support for CSS 2.1 is about an inconsistent 50%.

      Plus I enjoy writing code in Perl/Tk. I'll give PAR a shot.

      Andrew Tomazos  |  |

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