You can set vi preferences on a per-file basis. For instance, this homenode
<!-- ex: set tw=78: -->
as the first line. This sets wraparound at col 78. Similar tactics work in
any file. For a perl program, you may have something like
#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
# ex: set ts=2 ai:
to set tabstops to 2 cols, and to autoindent.
Interests and other useless facts:
My computing timeline is roughly:
1982: First saw an Apple][
1984: First programmed the Apple][ using FPBASIC. Fascinated with
the "Apple presents Apple" demo. Didn't know any better.
1986: Met my first TRS-80; rediscovered the Apple at the library
1987: Taught myself 6502 asm, later learned you don't forget this sort of
1987: Met my first PC. "Why the HELL won't CATALOG work on this ()#$$ thing?!
How do I get to the f<beep>ing monitor?"
(a few years go by, during which I buy a LASER 128 and 2 //e's, drool over the
IIgs but lack the cash for one, get my first PC, etc.. etc...)
1994: swear to never again buy a prefab pooter; build my own, start hating
Windoze about then, discover the internet and get bewildered at this
Slackware crap that keeps showing up on all my archie
1995: Start running this "Slackware Linux" stuff by getting it precariously
transferred from 80 floppies
(more years go by, basically getting into Unix, writing bad bash scripts,
trying my hand at this "perl" thing...)
1997: Get my first Unix job for real money. Learned the true evil of HP-UX.
Started writing all perl programs with -w enabled...
1997: My first perl script that accepts luser input from the web, ported from
bash. No concept of what CGI.pm was other than to rip the
escape function out of it
1998: ported last year's perl spaghetti to PHP3; was much better for it
1999-2000: floundered around in perl and PHP (woo, DBI is
nifty)... code improves after I get the corporate to send me on a junket to
take a Perl class
2001: found this site, learned all about use {strict,CGI}, and
gained friends and enemies alike. The rest is history.
And now for something completely random:
Between neshura and I, we're bringing
that poor web server at my ISP to its knees :o)
Some nagging observations:
- Why does kudra look a tad more red in her thumbnail than on
her home node? (two reasons: 1) it was a Halloween costume; 2) kudra herself
blames it on a really bad sunburn. :o)
- This place has replaced a certain other place as my
main web activity
- A lot of folks like Monty Python here, apparently... _Holy
Grail_ specifically... life is good.
Snippets that have made it out the door:
OK, here's some work in progress on the
Perl/Tk Chatterbox client
by Shendal...
Things to work on:
- Roll a diff against the original node and link it here
- I have to read up on some way to avoid all these zombies as a result of
clicking on links which launch the browser. Right now, it costs one zombie per
- scrollpos fixes need to be tweaked to not scroll as text comes in, when
scrolled back
- The GUI goes catatonic at times, endlessly adjusting the widget that
contains the user names. Haven't looked into that yet
- Last, but not least: all Netscape cookies saved after the chatterbox starts
up are not written to the cookies file. As far as I can tell, not Tk
chatterbox's fault; may be in the PerlMonks modules
Things already fixed, or somewhat:
- colours can now be saved
- Browser executable can take opts
- [id://] links are properly linked instead of flat-out resolved
- [google://] and [lucky://] support
Code currently being worked on: