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Re: Autoresponder automatorby b10m (Vicar) |
on Jul 27, 2005 at 12:22 UTC ( [id://478569]=note: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
b10m: That would work. b10m: First of all, you post it here, so someone might be using it already. Secondly, you seem to use that information also in your reply emails (s/_DATE_FROM_/$sdate/g;) - and those might reach other mailboxes besides yours ;) b10m: Before you updated the node, it said "die("...") if($sdate ne $cdate)", so yes, it will die ;) Instead of die'ing, you might want to print just errors, so when something fails, cron will notify you. (See the --silent option I suggested before). Detonite True, it's good excercise, yet Perl isn't always the right tool ;)
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