#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Text::ExtractWords qw(words_count words_list); my ($str, $str_test); $str = q|test test the an an words_count function|; $str_test = $str; my %hash = (); my %config = ( minwordlen => 3, maxwordlen => 7, locale => "en_US.ISO_8859-1", ); words_count(\%hash, $str_test, \%config); for my $key (sort keys %hash){ print "$key -> $hash{$key}\n"; } $str_test = $str; print "\n"; my @list = (); words_list(\@list, $str_test, \%config); for my $element (@list){ print "$element\n"; } #### an -> 2 function -> 1 test -> 2 the -> 1 words_count -> 1 test test the an an words_count function