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Catalyst broken after update?by CountZero (Bishop) |
on Aug 21, 2005 at 16:02 UTC ( [id://485542]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
CountZero has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:
Fellow Monks! Friday evening I updated Catalyst to version 5.33 through the use of the ppm command "upgrade". It also upgraded a lot of other modules (a.o. mod_perl). Now my Catalyst application has stopped working. Fearing some damage to mod_perl (which is alwys a bit of a pain to get it working on Windows), I checked some other scripts running under mod_perl (such as the "perl-status" module) and these seem to work fine. So I wrote an absolute minimal "Catalyst"-enabled module (just use Catalyst qw/-Debug/; 1;) and tried to run that in my Apache/mod_perl server (http://localhost/MyApp). The error-log shows [Sun Aug 21 17:38:54 2005] [notice] Parent: child process exited with status 9 -- Restarting. and FireFox tries to load Very strange: no error message, nothing else in the error-log. If I try to access a non-existing location on my "localhost" I get the usual 404 Not Found error page. If I comment out the use Catalyst qw/-Debug/; statement and put in an empty handler sub I get no errors anymore and Apache returns an empty page. So it seems that the problem is with Catalyst. Did anybody experience this too? Someone an idea to solve it? I will post this tomorrow on the Catalyst mailing list too (I have no access now). Update: Having looked some more at my set-up, I see that the Catalyst::Engine::Apache::MP20::Apreq module uses Apache2::Request which I don't have on my system. It is on CPAN, but neither CPAN nor CPANPLUS will install it on my compiler-challenged Windows XP. PPM doesn't have it either. Does any Windows XP Monk has it in her/his site/lib tree? Update 2: I found Apache2::Request, it is part of the libapreq-library, which PPM can install. Unfortunately, it didn't solve my problem. I keep getting the same errors. Update 2: Solved! It seems that somehow the line __PACKAGE__->setup got commented out in my application-module and therefore Catalyst was not doing its set-up before it got called, which caused all this weird behaviour. CountZero "If you have four groups working on a compiler, you'll get a 4-pass compiler." - Conway's Law
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