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Re: Re: Code Smarter

by mischief (Hermit)
on Dec 28, 2000 at 14:16 UTC ( [id://48611]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Code Smarter
in thread Code Smarter

... Michael Schwern's YAPC talk "Ineffective Perl Programming"

Is this available online anywhere? It sounds like an interesting talk.

And japhy, I also think that these kind of suggestions are really cool things to know about. It's the kind of advice that you generally have to sweat through years of doing things the not-so-good way before you realise how you should have been doing it all this time. TIMTOWTDI[0], but SWABTO[1] (of course, WAHOF[2], and with any solution, YMMV[3])

[0] - "There's More Than One Way to Do it"
[1] - "Some Ways Are Better Than Others"
[2] - "We All Have Our Favourites"
[3] - "Your Mileage May Vary

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