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Re^2: Finding Hidden Keys in Your Windows Registry

by idsfa (Vicar)
on Aug 25, 2005 at 18:04 UTC ( [id://486674]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Finding Hidden Keys in Your Windows Registry
in thread Finding Hidden Keys in Your Windows Registry

Well, I was able to find those keys with the second script, but the delete part needs some work to catch them. Good thing that isn't the issue I'm trying to solve. ;-)

Here's the fixed version:

use Win32::TieRegistry(Delimiter=>'/'); $| = 1; sub process_hidden { my ($root, $tgt) = @_; print "HIDDEN REGISTRY KEY FOUND:\n$root/$tgt\n\n"; print "Delete or Keep? [D/k] "; $_=<>; chomp; if ( ! /k/i ) { delete $Registry->{$root}->{$tgt}; } } sub check_content { for ( keys %{$Registry->{$root}} ) { &check_content("$root/$_") if exists $Registry->{"$root/$_/"}; &process_hidden($root,$_) if (length($_) > 256 || index($_,"\0") >= 0); } } &check_content("CUser/TEST/");

Also, my regedit had no problem deleting that key ... perhaps that is an old bug? The page you reference is from 1999 ...

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Re^3: Finding Hidden Keys in Your Windows Registry
by davidrw (Prior) on Aug 25, 2005 at 18:14 UTC
    hmm.. my regedit32 on windowsXP threw an error trying to delete it.. That site tends to stay up to date; and if you haven't poked around there, has some really great windows utilities including RegMon and FileMon -- well worth the time to browse their utilities section.
Re^3: Finding Hidden Keys in Your Windows Registry
by QM (Parson) on Aug 26, 2005 at 15:12 UTC
    One nit...
    if ( ! /k/i )
    The "anything but /k/i deletes" mentality is not friendly to big fat fingers. Since this *is* the registry, I'd be extra cautious about BFFS (Big Fat Finger Syndrome).

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