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Re: Re (tilly) 2: Are debuggers good?by footpad (Abbot) |
on Dec 29, 2000 at 00:41 UTC ( [id://48686]=note: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
I'm not sure I read that the same way you may have. I thought tye was sharing some of the tricks learned while working with the language. While it's possible to interpret some moral judgements (to borrow a phrase elsewhere in the thread) from the post, I don't see anything specifically suggesting that you or merlyn are taking positions from ignorance. Perhaps that's my own judgement peering through. Regardless, it may be worthwhile to borrow a another concept from the monastic disciplines that inspired this site. Specifically, each travels their own path toward mastery. I don't use debuggers personally for many of the reasons cited in both camps. However, I do use them when necessary. They can be effective tools, but they should not be the only tool in your problem solving arsenal. In the end, we make choices by bringing our experience, knowledge, and creativity to bear on the problem at hand. Even bad choices can help illuminate the path. --f
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