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Re^3: PDF::API2 is confusing me to death..

by mpeters (Chaplain)
on Sep 06, 2005 at 20:50 UTC ( [id://489677]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^2: PDF::API2 is confusing me to death..
in thread PDF::API2 is confusing me to death..

I know what creates the additional pages, but what says "hey, write to me now buddy!"
That's what the openpage() method does. It will return the page object. From that you can add whatever you want to that page. This is how I usually do that:
my $current_page = $pdf->openpage($page_num); $current_page->gfx->textlabel( 100, # X coord 200, # Y coord $font, $font_size, "Some text to write", ); $current_page->update();

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