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Re: Have you netted a Perl Monk or Perl Pretender in 5 minutes or less?

by mpeters (Chaplain)
on Sep 13, 2005 at 20:06 UTC ( [id://491681]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Have you netted a Perl Monk or Perl Pretender in 5 minutes or less?

I would ask them
  • do they participate in any perl mailing lists (mod_perl, etc)
  • what CPAN modules do they use on a regular basis
  • do you have any code on CPAN, or have you contributed any patches to CPAN modules

-- More people are killed every year by pigs than by sharks, which shows you how good we are at evaluating risk. -- Bruce Schneier
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Re^2: Have you netted a Perl Monk or Perl Pretender in 5 minutes or less?
by tomazos (Deacon) on Sep 14, 2005 at 10:12 UTC
    "More people are killed every year by pigs than by sharks, which shows you how good we are at evaluating risk".

    I'm sorry, I had to say something. :) More people are in proximity to pigs than sharks, therefore it does not follow that a pig poses a bigger risk than a shark, which shows you how good Bruce Schneier is at critical thinking (whoever he is). :)

    I feel better now. Sorry all.

    And as to the actual topic. I think the best question is "Can I have a URL that points to some of the code you have written in Perl?" Or, "Where can I see an example of the work you have done in Perl?"

    It's more time-intensive, especially if you have 300 resumes on your desk, but it should be remembered that hiring a new employee is a big risk and investment for a company. In general too little time is spent on screening. Everyone wants to check them out "on the job" -- but inevitably you never get rid of the lemons.


    Andrew Tomazos  |  |
      More people are in proximity to pigs than sharks, therefore it does not follow that a pig poses a bigger risk than a shark...

      Every person in the water at a beach right now—millions a day—is in proximity to sharks. Drastically fewer pig farmers are down in the stalls on a regular basis. Also, I think we can all agree that more persons are in proximity to pigs than sharks. Sharks are rarely anywhere near pigs. I'm sorry, I had to say something. :)

        Also, I think we can all agree that more persons are in proximity to pigs than shark. Sharks are rarely anywhere near pigs. I'm sorry, I had to say something. :)

        I get the joke, but I don't get the grammar rules ... OTOH Parse a sentence says

        ++++Time 0.00 seconds (98.93 +total) Found 8 linkages (8 with no P.P. violations) Linkage 1, cost vector = (UNUSED=0 DIS=0 AND=0 LEN=16) +--------------------------------Xp------------------------------- ++ | +--------------MVt-------------+ +| +------Wd------+ +--------MVp--------+ | +| | +-Dmcm-+--Spx--+-Pp-+--Jp--+ +-Jp-+ +--Opc-+ +| | | | | | | | | | | +| LEFT-WALL more persons.n are.v in proximity.n to pigs.n than sharks.n +. Constituent tree: (S (NP more persons) (VP are (PP in (NP proximity)) (PP to (NP pigs)) (PP than (NP sharks))) .)

        IIUC (If I Understand Correctly), it is the people (and not the sharks) whose proximity is relative

        Compare to
        more persons are in proximity to pigs than proximity to sharks
        more persons are in proximity to pigs than are sharks

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