Thanks for that code example! Passing a filehandle through a thread shared variable was something I've been searching for for awhile. Just for demonstration purposes, it can go the other way too.....create the filehandle in the thread, and read it in main.
use warnings;
use strict;
use threads;
use threads::shared;
my %shash;
#share(%shash); #will work only for first level keys
my %hash;
share ($shash{'go'});
share ($shash{'fileno'});
share ($shash{'pid'});
share ($shash{'die'});
$shash{'go'} = 0;
$shash{'fileno'} = -1;
$shash{'pid'} = -1;
$shash{'die'} = 0;
$hash{'thread'} = threads->new(\&work);
$shash{'go'} = 1;
sleep 1; # cheap hack to allow thread to setup
my $fileno = $shash{'fileno'};
open (my $fh, "<&=$fileno") or warn "$!\n";
while ( <$fh> ){ print "In main-> $_"; }
#wait for keypress to keep main thread alive
# control-c to exit
sub work{
if($shash{'die'} == 1){ goto END };
if ( $shash{'go'} == 1 ){
my $pid = open(FH, "top -b |" ) or warn "$!\n";
my $fileno = fileno(FH);
print "fileno->$fileno\n";
$shash{'fileno'} = $fileno;
$shash{'go'} = 0; #turn off self before returning
{ sleep 1 }
I'm not really a human, but I play one on earth.
flash japh