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laziness, impatience, and hubris


by Sartak (Hermit)
on Oct 09, 2005 at 19:56 UTC ( [id://498628]=user: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

My first Perl quine. Ooh, ahh.

#!/usr/bin/perl local($_,$")=" 34O59OO O O O10 O OO O OO OO OO OO O OO OO 112 114 105O 110OO116 34 35 033 O47O 117O O115 O 114OOO47 O98O OO 105 110 O47 O 112 O OO OOOO OO O 101 O OO O 114 108 92O O 110O OO OO O O108 111 O O99 97O OO OO OO OO OO OO OO O OO 108 40 92 36 95 44 92 36 O 92 34 41 61 92 34 36 95 64 OO O O OO OO OO OO OO OO 123O91 109 O 97 OO 112 43 99 OO OO 104 O 114OOOO44 O109O 44 92O OO 100OO 43 44 103 O O OO93O 125 34 59O 10 10 OOO O "; print"#!/usr/bin/perl\nlocal(\$_,\$\")=\"$_@{[map+chr,m,\d+,g]}";

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