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PerlMonks |
What Happened...(perils of porting from c)by Madams (Pilgrim) |
on Jan 05, 2001 at 17:30 UTC ( [id://50050]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
Madams has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:
Ok..trolling through my old journal mags i found a C replacement for nested for statements. So being a masochist i decided to port it to perl ... I'm getting wierd errors
please take a look and see what's causing my camel to kick and spit...the original and the port are at: My yahoo briefcase if people can't access them i'll follow up with a full posting...in the port i added lotsa comments as i went so to keep me mindful of what i shoulda been doing...(pointer arithmetic & references & dereferences ... OH MY!) especially the pointer arithmetic...i KNEW there was a reason i always felt pointer arithmetic was EVIL EVIL EVIL! playing with your pointer like that can make you go blind (or at least crazy ;] )
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