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Re^4: CGI::Application, the cgiapp_prerun mode, and CGI object interaction

by geektron (Curate)
on Oct 17, 2005 at 05:39 UTC ( [id://500657]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^3: CGI::Application, the cgiapp_prerun mode, and CGI object interaction
in thread CGI::Application, the cgiapp_prerun mode, and CGI object interaction

I haven't imported CGI. i leave that up to CGI::Application.

i'm sure the code's being executed, because i've watched the error log, and I see the warnings i've tossed in to check the values.

i have a feeling it's a problem in my inheritance, but i had to move on to another part of the code to get a little more done on the app.

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