Category: Web Stuff
Author/Contact Info ybiC
Description: Toy Template

Simple scripted website generator.
Uses, HTML::Template and param('page') to eliminate duplication of code and markup in toy website.   Also uses CSS to separate style from structure (as much as possible, anyway).   Clearly not suited for anything industrial-strength.

Code and CSS files go in a web-published directory.   Common, content and template files go in a non-webpub directory.   Each web page in the site is defined by its' own content file.

Thanks to ovid, chipmunk, Petruchio, davorg, chromatic and repson for helping me figure this out.

Most recent update:   2001-05-10
Hashamafied a few of the passel o'scalar variables.

Update: 2002-05-11 note to self: look into Storable to potentially reduce response times, or Data::Denter so don't have to unTaint incoming data structure.   Props to crazy for suggesting Denter and for initial benchmark strongly favoring Storable as perf king.

use Benchmark    qw( cmpthese timethese );
use Storable     qw( freeze thaw );
use Data::Denter qw( Indent Undent );

timethese( 2_000, { Data::Denter => \&DENTOR, Storable => \&STORKO });
print "\n\n\n";
cmpthese( 2_000, { Data::Denter => \&DENTOR, Storable => \&STORKO });

sub DENTOR {
  my $in  = Indent \%BLARG;
  my %out = Undent $in;

sub STORKO {
  my $in  = freeze \%BLARG;
  my %out = %{ thaw($in)};

Benchmark: timing 2000 iterations of Data::Denter, Storable...
Data::Denter: 12 wallclock secs (11.71 usr +  0.01 sys = 11.72 CPU) @ 170.69/s (n=2000)
Storable:     6 wallclock secs  ( 5.60 usr +  0.00 sys =  5.60 CPU) @ 357.27/s (n=2000)

Benchmark: timing 2000 iterations of Data::Denter, Storable...
Data::Denter: 12 wallclock secs (11.80 usr +  0.00 sys = 11.80 CPU) @ 169.53/s (n=2000)
Storable:     6 wallclock secs  ( 5.62 usr +  0.00 sys =  5.62 CPU) @ 356.06/s (n=2000)
              Rate Data::Denter     Storable
Data::Denter 170/s           --         -52%
Storable     356/s         110%           --

Individual files listed:


#!/usr/bin/perl -wT

# pod at tail

use strict;
use HTML::Template;
use CGI qw(:all);
use CGI::Carp;                 # qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use Time::localtime;
use File::stat;
use vars qw($query $content $text @url_array @common_array);

my %dir = (                    # no trailing slash
    web  => '/var/www',
    conf => '/etc/HTML-Template',
my %file = (
    perl => '',
    css  => 'site.css',
    tmpl => 'Site.template',
my $commonlist = 'Common';
my $template   = HTML::Template->new(filename=>"$dir{conf}/$file{tmpl}
my $tm         = localtime;
my $month      = $tm -> mon+1;
my $day        = $tm -> mday;
my $year       = $tm -> year+1900;
my $hour       = $tm -> hour;
my $minute     = $tm -> min;
my $second     = $tm -> sec;

# Tighten security a bit
# from perldoc CGI and CGI Programming w/Perl p210
$CGI::DISABLE_UPLOADS = 1;  # probably not needed as no forms upload a
$ENV{PATH}            = "";
delete @ENV{'PATH', 'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV', 'BASH_ENV',};

# (must precede untaint)
# Set query param to site home if url is:
#    /    /    /
param('page','home') unless defined param('page');

# Untaint query param
if ($query = param('page') =~ /^(\w+)$/) {$content = $1;}
else {$content = 'Error';}

# Build array that lists content files
opendir DIR, "$dir{conf}/";
my @files = grep {
    $_ ne '.' &&
    $_ ne '..' &&
    $_ ne 'Common' &&
    $_ ne 'Site.template'
readdir  DIR;
closedir DIR;
unless (grep{$_ eq $content} @files) {$content = 'Error';}

# define template varables
$template-> param(
    TITLE     => "$ENV{'SERVER_NAME'} - $content",
    DAY       => $day,
    MONTH     => $month,
    YEAR      => $year,
    HOUR      => $hour,
    MINUTE    => $minute,
    SECOND    => $second,
    CSSFILE   => $file{css},
    CODEMOD   => ctime(stat("$dir{web}/$file{perl}")  -> mtime),
    CSSMOD    => ctime(stat("$dir{web}/$file{css}")   -> mtime),
    URLMOD    => ctime(stat("$dir{conf}/$content")    -> mtime),
    COMMONMOD => ctime(stat("$dir{conf}/$commonlist") -> mtime),
    TMPLMOD   => ctime(stat("$dir{conf}/$file{tmpl}") -> mtime),
    PERLVER   => $],
    HTMPLVER  => $HTML::Template::VERSION,

# Code to gen navbar links common to all pages
unless (my $return = do "$dir{conf}/$commonlist") {
    die "Cannot parse $commonlist: $@" if $@;
    die "Cannot do $commonlist: $!"    unless defined $return;
    die "Cannot run $commonlist"       unless $return;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $#common_array; $i+=2) {
    my($loop, $aref) = @common_array[$i, $i+1];
    my @vars;
    for (my $j = 0; $j < $#{$aref}; $j+=2) {
        my($name, $url) = @{$aref}[$j, $j+1];
        push @vars, { name => $name, url => $url };
    $template->param($loop, [ @vars ]);

# Code to gen content and links unique to each page
unless (my $return = do "$dir{conf}/$content") {
    die "Cannot parse $content: $@" if $@;
    die "Cannot do $content: $!"    unless defined $return;
    die "Cannot run $content"       unless $return;
$template->param(CONTENT => $text);
for (my $i = 0; $i < $#url_array; $i+=2) {
    my($loop, $aref) = @url_array[$i, $i+1];
    my @vars;
    for (my $j = 0; $j < $#{$aref}; $j+=2) {
        my($name, $url) = @{$aref}[$j, $j+1];

        push @vars, { name => $name, url => $url };
    $template->param($loop, [ @vars ]);


# feed results through template, and voila!
print header, $template->output;



=head1 Name

=head1 Description

 Simple scripted website generator.
 Uses, HTML::Template, param('page') to eliminate dulication of
+ code and markup.
 Also uses CSS to separate style from structure (as much as possible, 

=head1 Todos

 Hashamafy remaining scalar variables
 Research additional CGI security measures
 Parse "do content" for *short*list* of allowed Perl

=head1 Associated files

 bunch of content (text/link) files

=head1 Updates

 2001-05-10   21:35
   Hashamafied some scalar variables.

=head1 Credits

 vroom for (duh ;^)
 Ovid's tutorial for HTML::Template
 chipmunk provided code snippets for arrays of links+titles
 Petruchio, davorg, Ovid and chromatic for tips on untainting
 repson provided snippet for hash of links+titles used in initial code

=head1 Author





@common_array = (
  commonloop1 => [
    'home'      => '',
    'Christian' => '',
    'computing' => '',
    'family'    => '',
    'humor'     => '',
    'music'     => '',
    'science'   => '',
    'search'    => '',
    'sports'    => '',
    'sundry'    => '',
    'weather'   => '',
  commonloop2 => [
    'O\'Reilly & Associates Inc' => '',
  commonloop3 => [
    'permission' => '',


$text ='
Welcome to Toy Template - buckets o\' links and a little content.
<BR>blah, blah, yada, yada, hummina, hummina.

@url_array = (
  urlloopA => [
    'weather' => '
    'pollen'  => '
    'Google'  => '',
  urlloopB => [
    'Perl Monks'    => '',
    'SlashDot'      => '',
    'FreshMeat'     => '',
    'Technocrat'    => '',
    'Debian Weekly' => '
    'AlistApart'    => '',
    'Alertbox'      => '',
    'Linux Gazette' => '',
  urlloopC => [
    'Doctor Fun'    => ''
    'Doonesbury'    => '',
    'Tank McNamara' => '',
    'Robotman'      => '',
    'UserFriendly'  => '',
    'Tom Tomorrow'  => '',


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">

  <LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="<!-- tmpl_var name=cssf
+ile -->">
<BODY BGCOLOR="white"><!-- for CSS-unaware browsers -->

<TABLE CLASS="t-blend" ALIGN="center">
  <TR CLASS="tr-plain" VALIGN="top">
      <SPAN CLASS="small">
        <!-- tmpl_var name=hour --> : 
    <!-- tmpl_var name=minute --> : 
    <!-- tmpl_var name=second -->
      <IMG SRC="Images/burst.gif" STYLE="border:0;" ALT="*">
      <SPAN CLASS="big">
        <B><!-- tmpl_var name=title --></B>
      <IMG SRC="Images/burst.gif" STYLE="border:0;" ALT="*">
      <SPAN CLASS="small">
        <!-- tmpl_var name=month --> - 
    <!-- tmpl_var name=day --> - 
    <!-- tmpl_var name=year -->

<TABLE CLASS="t-blend" ALIGN="center" WIDTH="630">
  <TR CLASS="tr-plain" VALIGN="top">
      <!-- tmpl_loop name="commonloop1" -->
          <SPAN CLASS="small">
          <A HREF="<!-- tmpl_var name="url" -->">
            <B><!-- tmpl_var name="name" --></B>
      <!-- /tmpl_loop -->

<TABLE CLASS="t-contrast" ALIGN="center" WIDTH="630">
  <TR CLASS="tr-plain" VALIGN="top">
    <TD CLASS="td-l">
      <!-- tmpl_var name="content" -->

<TABLE CLASS="t-contrast" ALIGN="center" WIDTH="630">
  <TR CLASS="tr-plain" VALIGN="top">
    <TD CLASS="td-33">
      <!-- tmpl_loop name="urlloopA" -->
        <A HREF="<!-- tmpl_var name="url" -->">
          <!-- tmpl_var name="name" -->
      <!-- /tmpl_loop -->
    <TD CLASS="td-33">
      <!-- tmpl_loop name="urlloopB" -->
        <A HREF="<!-- tmpl_var name="url" -->">
          <!-- tmpl_var name="name" -->
      <!-- /tmpl_loop -->
    <TD CLASS="td-33">
      <!-- tmpl_loop name="urlloopC" -->
        <A HREF="<!-- tmpl_var name="url" -->">
          <!-- tmpl_var name="name" -->
      <!-- /tmpl_loop -->

<TABLE CLASS="t-contrast" ALIGN="center" WIDTH="630">
  <TR CLASS="tr-plain" VALIGN="top">
    <TD CLASS="td-33">
      <!-- tmpl_loop name="urlloopD" -->
        <A HREF="<!-- tmpl_var name="url" -->">
          <!-- tmpl_var name="name" -->
      <!-- /tmpl_loop -->
    <TD CLASS="td-33">
      <!-- tmpl_loop name="urlloopE" -->
        <A HREF="<!-- tmpl_var name="url" -->">
          <!-- tmpl_var name="name" -->
      <!-- /tmpl_loop -->
    <TD CLASS="td-33">
      <!-- tmpl_loop name="urlloopF" -->
        <A HREF="<!-- tmpl_var name="url" -->">
          <!-- tmpl_var name="name" -->
      <!-- /tmpl_loop -->

<TABLE CLASS="t-contrast" ALIGN="center" WIDTH="630">
  <TR CLASS="tr-plain" VALIGN="top">
    <TD CLASS="td-33">
      <!-- tmpl_loop name="urlloopG" -->
        <A HREF="<!-- tmpl_var name="url" -->">
          <!-- tmpl_var name="name" -->
      <!-- /tmpl_loop -->
    <TD CLASS="td-33">
      <!-- tmpl_loop name="urlloopH" -->
        <A HREF="<!-- tmpl_var name="url" -->">
          <!-- tmpl_var name="name" -->
      <!-- /tmpl_loop -->
    <TD CLASS="td-33">
      <!-- tmpl_loop name="urlloopI" -->
        <A HREF="<!-- tmpl_var name="url" -->">
          <!-- tmpl_var name="name" -->
      <!-- /tmpl_loop -->

<TABLE CLASS="t-blend" ALIGN="center">
  <TR CLASS="tr-plain" VALIGN="top">
      <SPAN CLASS="small">
        <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME= REMHOST --> &nbsp;&nbsp; 
        <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME= USERAGNT --><BR>
        Referred by <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME= REFERER -->

<TABLE CLASS="t-blend" ALIGN="center">
  <TR CLASS="tr-plain" VALIGN="top">
      <A HREF="">
        <IMG SRC="Images/apache_feather.gif" STYLE="border:0;">
      <A HREF="">
        <IMG SRC="Images/debian_button-k1.png" STYLE="border:0;" HEIGH
+T="31" WIDTH="88">
      <A HREF="">
        <IMG SRC="Images/rectangle_power_perl.gif" STYLE="border:0;" H
+EIGHT="31" WIDTH="88">
      <A HREF="">
        <IMG SRC="Images/vh40.gif" STYLE="border:0;" HEIGHT="31" WIDTH
      <A HREF="">
        <IMG SRC="Images/vcss.gif" STYLE="border:0;" HEIGHT="31" WIDTH

<TABLE CLASS="t-blend" ALIGN="center">
  <TR CLASS="tr-plain" VALIGN="top">
    <TD CLASS="td-r">
    <TD CLASS="td-c">
      <SPAN CLASS="small">
    <TD CLASS="td-l">
  <TR CLASS="tr-plain" VALIGN="top">
    <TD CLASS="td-r">
      <SPAN CLASS="small">
        <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME=SERVNAME --> &nbsp;&nbsp; 
        <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME=WEBSERV --><BR>
        Perl <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME=PERLVER --><BR> <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME=CGIVER --><BR>
    HTML::Template <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME=HTMPLVER -->
    <TD CLASS="td-l">
      <SPAN CLASS="small">
        Content &nbsp;<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME=URLMOD --><BR>
        Navbar &nbsp;&nbsp;<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME=COMMONMOD --><BR>
        Markup &nbsp;&nbsp;<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME=TMPLMOD --><BR>
        Style &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME=CSSMOD 
        Code &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME=CODEMOD 


<TABLE CLASS="t-blend" ALIGN="center">
  <TR CLASS="tr-plain" VALIGN="top">
      <SPAN CLASS="small">
        Perl camel trademark 
        <!-- tmpl_loop name="commonloop2" -->
          <A HREF="<!-- tmpl_var name="url" -->">
            <!-- tmpl_var name="name" -->
        <!-- /tmpl_loop -->
    Used with 
        <!-- tmpl_loop name="commonloop3" -->
          <A HREF="<!-- tmpl_var name="url" -->">
            <!-- tmpl_var name="name" -->
        <!-- /tmpl_loop -->



    font-family : arial, sans-serif, geneva, helvetica, verdana; 
    /* background-color : lime; */
    background-color : beige;
    text-align : center;
    margin : 0;

A:visited  {
    font-weight : normal;
    line-height : 140%;
    color : blue;

A:link  {
    font-weight : normal;
    line-height : 140%;
    color : blue;

A:hover  {
    font-weight : normal;
    line-height : 140%;
    color : red;
    background-color : yellow;

A:active  {
    font-weight : bold;
    line-height : 140%;
    color : red;

.tr-plain  {
    text-align : center;

.tiny  {
    font-size : 55%;
    line-height : 135%;

.td-r  {
    text-align : right;

.td-l  {
    text-align : left;

.td-c  {
    text-align : center;

.td-33  {
    width : 33%;

.t-contrast  {
    background-color : white;
    text-align : center;
    border-width : 0;
    border-style : none;
    border-color : inherit;

.t-blend  {
    text-align : center;
    border-width : 0;
    border-style : none;
    border-color : inherit;

.small  {
    font-size : 65%;
    line-height : 135%;

.big  {
    font-weight : bold;
    font-size : 130%;
    line-height : 200%;