Problems with DBM::Deep on cygwin
tests are with perl5.8.8 installed in /opt/perl588
and not cygwin stock perl on latest DBM::Deep 1.0006
So far:
test 02 has failures which don't involve temp files.
test 04 has a systematic warning.
it occurs between 110 and 111 (lines 205-208).
Can't remove directory /tmp/zIyf9JDNQb: Directory not empty at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8/File/ line 893. Not sure what triggers it as the temp file should be destroyed only at the end of the file...this seems very wrong!
trying to see something with DDS makes it die on spot!
trying Data::Dumper...ok...but says that $db is
$VAR1 = bless( [], 'DBM::Deep::Array' ); just after 108. Is that supposed to be the case?.
After the double assignment we see what is expected...
$VAR1 = bless( [
bless( [
], 'DBM::Deep::Array' ),
bless( {
'a' => 'foo'
}, 'DBM::Deep::Hash' )
], 'DBM::Deep::Array' );
maybe the callback is somehow triggered when $db has essentially no content but the file is not empty...
ok 106
ok 107
ok 108
$VAR1 = bless( [], 'DBM::Deep::Array' );
-rw------- 1 steph Ninguno 1825 Oct 8 11:51 /tmp/dResAx20UF/tmpl6Ml
$VAR1 = bless( [
bless( [
], 'DBM::Deep::Array' ),
bless( {
'a' => 'foo'
}, 'DBM::Deep::Hash' )
], 'DBM::Deep::Array' );
-rw------- 1 steph Ninguno 2599 Oct 8 11:51 /tmp/dResAx20UF/tmpl6Ml
ok 109 - Reuse of same space with array successful
$VAR1 = bless( [
bless( [
], 'DBM::Deep::Array' ),
bless( {
'a' => 'foo'
}, 'DBM::Deep::Hash' )
], 'DBM::Deep::Array' );
-rw------- 1 steph Ninguno 2599 Oct 8 11:51 /tmp/dResAx20UF/tmpl6Ml
ok 110 - Reuse of same space with hash successful
$VAR1 = bless( [
bless( [
], 'DBM::Deep::Array' ),
bless( {
'a' => 'foo'
}, 'DBM::Deep::Hash' )
], 'DBM::Deep::Array' );
-rw------- 1 steph Ninguno 2599 Oct 8 11:51 /tmp/dResAx20UF/tmpl6Ml
ok 111
ok 112
ok 113 - FETCH fails on an illegal key
# Looks like you planned 128 tests but only ran 113.
Can't remove directory /tmp/dResAx20UF: Directory not empty at /usr/li
+b/perl5/5.8/File/ line 893
2007/10/08 I am now experimenting some kind of hysteresis, not seeing the warning anymore but instead test
failures. Need a fresh start at this recording everything tried. pls ignore last message and the following paragraph. I'll have a look again this weekend.
In my last message about test 04 and tempfile destruction
I was not clear enough.
My point was the following:
if we ignore the last test of 04 '__END__'ing it just before say, then $fh and $filename are at file scope and I believe tempfile destruction should be triggered at EOF (or when perl reclaims the my variables).
but this does not happen. tempfile destruction is triggered before around test 108...and I don't understand why (maybe tie magic does something). So the situation is test 04 passing all its tests but leaving garbage in /tmp
I'll try to take out a smaller test snippet exhibating this behaviour