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Re^2: Distribution of * new * Levels and Writeups

by ZlR (Chaplain)
on Nov 04, 2005 at 09:13 UTC ( [id://505652]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Distribution of * new * Levels and Writeups
in thread Distribution of * new * Levels and Writeups

err, well ok but it was really a quick hack ...

use strict ; use warnings ; my %distrib ; my %levels ; my %contrib ; # Read up some data while (<DATA>) { my@line = split ; my $lev = $line[1] ; $lev =~ s/[()]//g ; $distrib{$lev} = $line[2] ; $levels{$lev} = $line[0] ; $contrib{$lev} = $line[3] ; } # Get some % my $total ; my %percents ; my $totalcont ; my %percentscont ; $total += $distrib{$_} foreach keys %distrib ; $percents{$_} = 100 * $distrib{$_} / $total foreach keys %distrib ; $totalcont += $contrib{$_} foreach keys %contrib ; $percentscont{$_} = 100 * $contrib{$_} / $totalcont foreach keys %co +ntrib ; # There must be a better way ... my %drawhash ; my $letter = 'A' ; my $accu = 0 ; foreach ( reverse sort {$a <=> $b} keys %levels ) { $drawhash{$letter} .= " $_" ; $accu += $percents{$_} ; if ( $accu > 1) { $letter++ ; $accu = 0 } } print_result ( \%percents ) ; print "\n" ; print_result ( \%percentscont ) ; sub print_result { my $refpercents = shift ; my %percents = %$refpercents ; my $result ; # Save ourselves some html typing my %colors = ( 'A' => 'red', 'B' => 'orange', 'C' => 'yellow', 'D' => 'magenta', 'E' => '00CC99', 'F' => '006666', 'G' => '33FF99', 'H' => '33CCFF', 'I' => '0066FF' ) ; foreach my $cle (keys %drawhash) { my @ligne = split " ", $drawhash{$cle} ; my $count = 0 ; $count += $percents{$_} foreach (@ligne) ; $result .= $cle x $count } my @rez = split "", $result ; my @odd ; foreach (0..9) { push @odd, 2*$_+1} my $cpt = scalar @odd ; foreach (@odd) { $cpt-- ; print " " x $cpt; my @tranche = splice @rez, 0, $_ ; foreach (@tranche) { print "<font color=\"", $colors{$_},"\">" +,$_,"</font>" } print "\n" } } __DATA__ Pope (28) 1 606 Archbishop (23) 1 5512 Bishop (22) 6 25233 Chancellor (21) 5 15430 Canon (20) 9 19889 Abbot (19) 10 13303 Monsignor (18) 18 21494 Prior (17) 30 20272 Parson (16) 33 19638 Vicar (15) 49 25967 Priest (14) 93 31140 Curate (13) 161 36056 Deacon (12) 85 16309 Chaplain (11) 155 21689 Hermit (10) 186 20818 Friar (9) 269 79538 Pilgrim (8) 377 21647 Monk (7) 329 14459 Scribe (6) 509 13805 Beadle (5) 506 9466 Sexton (4) 560 6733 Acolyte (3) 955 7584 Novice (2) 1839 8505 initiate (1) 30470 44805

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