See my monkpic for an example.

The following script takes some simple text input and creates an animated GIF showing a sighted person's interpretation of how braille might be written if it were only meant for sighted people. I'm learning braille and I've found it easier to write down characters using lines instead of just dots. All I'm doing is connecting the dots so the actual dot pattern is apparent when I look at the drawn character. I wrote this program for fun and to see how to make animated gifs.

Real braille numbers the dots on the left one through three and then on the right, four thorugh six. The dot numbers in this program don't match that - I used morris dancer positions instead. So don't bother trying to learn the numbers for the dot positions - they're wrong here.

use strict; use warnings; use GD 2; use vars qw( %CharMap $DELAY $X $Y ); use Getopt::Long; GetOptions( 'file=s' => \ my( $file ), 'text=s' => \ my( $text ), 'delay=i' => \ ( $DELAY = 25 ), 'X=i' => \ ( $X = 100 ), 'Y=i' => \ ( $Y = 100 ) ); defined $file and length $text and $DELAY > 0 and $X > 0 and $Y > 0 or die "Usage: $0 --file ... --text ... --delay ... --X ... --Y ...\ +n"; AnimatedGIF( $file, map RenderChar( Char( $_ ) ), split( //, $text ) ); exit; sub DELAY () { $DELAY } sub X () { $X } sub Y () { $Y } sub X1 () { int( $X * 1 / 3 ) } sub X2 () { int( $X * 2 / 3 ) } sub Y1 () { int( $Y * 1 / 4 ) } sub Y2 () { int( $Y * 2 / 4 ) } sub Y3 () { int( $Y * 3 / 4 ) } BEGIN { @CharMap{"a" .. "z", " "} = ( [[1]], [[qw[1 2]]], [[qw[1 3]]], [[qw[1 2 4]]], [[qw[1 4]]], [[qw[3 1 2]]], [[qw[1 2 4 3 1]]], [[qw[1 3 4]]], [[qw[2 3]]], [[qw[2 4 3]]], [[1],[5]], [[qw[1 3 5]]], [[qw[1 2]],[5]], [[qw[1 2 4 5]]], [[qw[1 4 5]]], [[qw[5 3 1 2]]], [[qw[3 4 2 1 4 5]]], [[qw[1 3 5]],[qw[3 4]]], [[qw[5 3 2]]], [[qw[5 3 4 2]]], [[1],[qw[5 6]]], [[qw[1 3 5 6]]], [[qw[2 4 6]],[qw[3 4]]], [[qw[1 2]],[qw[5 6]]], [[qw[1 2 4 6 5]]], [[qw[1 4 6 5]]], [] ); } sub Char { map $CharMap{$_}, @_ } sub AnimatedGIF { my $file = shift; open my $img, "> $file\0" or die "Couldn't open $file: $!"; binmode $img or die "Couldn't set binmode on $file: $!"; my $first = $_[0]; print $img $first->gifanimbegin( 1, 0 ) or die "Couldn't write to $file: $!"; print $img $first->gifanimadd( 0, 0, 0, DELAY ) or die "Couldn't write to $file: $!"; for ( 1 .. $#_ ) { my ( $this, $prev ) = @_[ $_, $_ - 1 ]; print $img $this->gifanimadd( 0, 0, 0, DELAY, 1, $prev ) or die "Couldn't write to $file: $!"; } print $img $first->gifanimend or die "Couldn't write to $file: $!"; close $img or die "Couldn't close and flush $file: $!"; return; } sub Position2XY { return map( +( $_ == 1 ? [ X1, Y1 ] : $_ == 2 ? [ X2, Y1 ] : $_ == 3 ? [ X1, Y2 ] : $_ == 4 ? [ X2, Y2 ] : $_ == 5 ? [ X1, Y3 ] : [ X2, Y3 ] ), @_ ); } sub RenderChar { my $im = GD::Image->new( X, Y ); my $brush = GD::Image->new( 7, 7 ); { my $white = $brush->colorAllocate( 255, 255, 255 ); my $black = $brush->colorAllocate( 0, 0, 0 ); $brush->transparent( $white ); $brush->arc( 4, 4, 7, 7, 0, 360, $black ); } $im->setBrush( $brush ); while ( @_ ) { for my $line ( @{shift()} ) { my @points = map Position2XY( $_ ), @$line; if ( 1 == @points ) { push( @points, [ $points[0][0] + 1, $points[0][1] ], [ $points[0][0] + 1, $points[0][1] + 1 ], [ $points[0][0], $points[0][1] + 1 ] ); } my $poly = GD::Polygon->new; $poly->addPt( @$_ ) for @points; $im->unclosedPolygon( $poly, gdBrushed ); } } return $im; }