Anonymous Monk has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:
As a newcomer to perl, I'm trying to figure out the best way of doing the following.
I have an error log file . Here's a sample
00:00000:00014:2005/11/30 10:01:23.77 server Configuration file '/opt
+/sybase/SERVER1.cfg' has been
written and the previous version has been renamed to '/opt/sybase/SERV
00:00000:00014:2005/11/30 10:01:23.80 server The configuration option
+ 'log audit logon success' has been ch
anged by 'sa' from '0' to '1'.
00:00000:00015:2005/11/30 10:01:37.36 Logon Login succeeded. User: sa
+, Client IP address: ''.
00:00000:00016:2005/11/30 10:10:50.91 Logon Login succeeded. User: xy
+z, Client IP address: ''.
00:00000:00017:2005/11/30 16:31:31.02 Logon Login succeeded. User: sa
+, Client IP address: ''.
00:00000:00020:2005/11/30 16:51:11.90 Logon Login succeeded. User: sa
+, Client IP address: ''.
00:00000:00021:2005/12/01 09:49:23.44 Logon Login succeeded. User: ab
+c, Client IP address: ''.
00:00000:00022:2005/12/01 09:49:23.90 Logon Login succeeded. User: sa
+, Client IP address: ''.
00:00000:00023:2005/12/01 09:51:29.65 kernel Cannot read, host proces
+s disconnected: SERVER1 spid: 23
00:00000:00025:2005/12/01 09:52:27.74 Logon Login succeeded. User: sa
+, Client IP address: ''.
00:00000:00026:2005/12/01 09:55:24.06 Logon Login succeeded. User: qw
+r, Client IP address: ''.
00:00000:00027:2005/12/01 09:55:47.15 Logon Login succeeded. User: sa
+, Client IP address: ''.
00:00000:00026:2005/12/01 10:02:25.95 server Configuration file '/opt
+/sybase/SERVER1.cfg' has been
written and the previous version has been renamed to '/opt/sybase/SERV
I need to be able to extract the records which have "Login succeeded" but specifically only the user name from that record. e.g. sa, xyz, abc,qwr
I actually just need one occurence of each different user that has successfully logged in. So in the above snippet sa has logged in several times but all I need to know is that they have logged in at least once
I started off by doing this
use strict;
my $line;
my @array;
# Open the errorlog file
open(errlog,"/opt/sybase/logs/errorlog_SERVER1") or die "Can't open er
+rorlog file!";
# Open th eoutput file
while ($line = <errlog>) {
chomp $line;
next unless ($line =~ /Login succeeded/);
push @array, $line;
foreach (@array) {
print "$array[7]\n";
close errlog;
close loginf;
This just prints the whole line out. I was under the impression that the array is naturally split by a space ?
Anyhow , how do I get just one distinct occurence of each user into another file ?
Re: array processing
by Tomte (Priest) on Dec 06, 2005 at 11:04 UTC
# opening of files etc.
my %users = ();
while ($line = <errlog>) {
chomp $line;
next unless ($line =~ /Login succeeded/);
$users{(split / /, $line)[6]} ||= 1;
foreach (sort keys %users) {
print LOGINF $_, "\n";
# closing fhs etc
This is untested.
NB: consider using lexical filehandles.
An intellectual is someone whose mind watches itself. -- Albert Camus
| [reply] [d/l] |
I preferred a regex over a split since we are only getting the user out of the data and we don't need any of the other values. You can increment the user's login count in one line inside the while loop:
$users{$1}++ if $line =~ /Login succeeded. User: (\w+)/i;
| [reply] [d/l] |
Re: array processing
by holli (Abbot) on Dec 06, 2005 at 11:26 UTC
while (<errorlog>)
$logins{$1}++ if /Login succeeded\. User: ([^,]+)/;
print map { "$_: $logins{$_}\n" } sort keys %logins;
Outputs usernames and number of logins:
abc: 1
qwr: 1
sa: 6
xyz: 1
| [reply] [d/l] [select] |
Re: array processing
by McDarren (Abbot) on Dec 06, 2005 at 11:51 UTC
Of course, if you are in a *nix shell, you could do this straight from the command line without using Perl at all. I'm no whiz at this sort of thing, so the following could probably be shortened quite a bit - but it should give you the idea:
grep 'Login succeeded' log | awk '{print $7}' | sed s/,// | sort | uni
+q -c
1 abc
1 qwr
6 sa
1 xyz
Darren :) | [reply] [d/l] |
Re: array processing
by tirwhan (Abbot) on Dec 06, 2005 at 11:07 UTC
split does not happen automatically, you need to call it. If you're only trying to keep one record of each user who has logged in you could use a hash. So your loop could be:
my %user_login;
while (my $line = <errlog>) {
chomp $line;
next unless ($line =~ /Login succeeded/);
my ($date,$time,$username)=(split(' ',$line))[0,1,6];
$user_login{$username}="$date $time";
for my $record(sort keys %user_login) {
print "$record logged in at $user_login{$record}\n";
This will print out a sorted list of users who have logged in, along with the date/time of the last login.
Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it. -- Brian W. Kernighan
| [reply] [d/l] |
I obviously have a lot to learn. Out of interest could this have been done with an array instead of a hash, or would it have been too messy ?
Thanks for your help
| [reply] |
use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
my @client_list;
while (my $line = <DATA>) {
chomp $line;
next unless ($line =~ /Login succeeded/);
push (@client_list,(split(' ',$line))[6]);
@client_list = uniq(@client_list);
print join("\n",@client_list);
Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it. -- Brian W. Kernighan
| [reply] [d/l] |
OK having taken this on board , I decide to add a line number count so I don't go processing the same bit of the file every time this utility is run. e.g.
my $linenum = 1;
my $lastline = 200;
my %user_login;
while (my $line = <errlog>) {
chomp $line;
next unless ($linenum = $lastline);
next unless ($line =~ /Login succeeded/);
my ($date,$time,$username)=(split(' ',$line))[0,1,6];
$user_login{$username}="$date $time";
for my $record(sort keys %user_login) {
print "$record logged in at $user_login{$record}\n";
print "line number is $linenum\n";
This doesn't work though since $linenum is still set to 1 at the print above. How can I use the linenum variable outside the while loop to achieve this ?
| [reply] [d/l] |
next unless ($linenum = $lastline);
next unless ($linenum++ >= $lastline);
Update: sorry, I didn't do this carefully enough, changed to work
Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it. -- Brian W. Kernighan
| [reply] [d/l] [select] |
Re: array processing
by McDarren (Abbot) on Dec 06, 2005 at 11:26 UTC
Update: Arg!! I just realised I completely misread. You want unique users, not IP's!
Update 2: Ok, fixed so that it returns Users rather than IP's
I was under the impression that the array is naturally split by a space ?
Yes, but you must implicitly call the split function.
In any case, a hash is probably more suited to this task. Here is one solution, using a hash for your unique IP's users, and a regex to pull them out of each line:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Data::Dumper::Simple;
my %users;
while (<DATA>) {
next unless /Login succeeded/;
if (/User: ([\w]+),/) {
print Dumper(%users);
00:00000:00014:2005/11/30 10:01:23.77 server Configuration file '/opt
+/sybase/SERVER1.cfg' has been written and the previous version has be
+en renamed to '/opt/sybase/SERVER1.030'.
00:00000:00014:2005/11/30 10:01:23.80 server The configuration option
+ 'log audit logon success' has been changed by 'sa' from '0' to '1'.
00:00000:00015:2005/11/30 10:01:37.36 Logon Login succeeded. User: sa
+, Client IP address: ''.
00:00000:00016:2005/11/30 10:10:50.91 Logon Login succeeded. User: xy
+z, Client IP address: ''.
00:00000:00017:2005/11/30 16:31:31.02 Logon Login succeeded. User: sa
+, Client IP address: ''.
00:00000:00020:2005/11/30 16:51:11.90 Logon Login succeeded. User: sa
+, Client IP address: ''.
00:00000:00021:2005/12/01 09:49:23.44 Logon Login succeeded. User: ab
+c, Client IP address: ''.
00:00000:00022:2005/12/01 09:49:23.90 Logon Login succeeded. User: sa
+, Client IP address: ''.
00:00000:00023:2005/12/01 09:51:29.65 kernel Cannot read, host proces
+s disconnected: SERVER1 spid:23
00:00000:00025:2005/12/01 09:52:27.74 Logon Login succeeded. User: sa
+, Client IP address: ''.
00:00000:00026:2005/12/01 09:55:24.06 Logon Login succeeded. User: qw
+r, Client IP address: ''.
00:00000:00027:2005/12/01 09:55:47.15 Logon Login succeeded. User: sa
+, Client IP address: ''.
00:00000:00026:2005/12/01 10:02:25.95 server Configuration file '/opt
+/sybase/SERVER1.cfg' has been written and the previous version has be
+en renamed to '/opt/sybase/SERVER1.031'.
Which gives:
%users = (
'qwr' => 1,
'abc' => 1,
'sa' => 6,
'xyz' => 1
Hope this helps,
Darren :) | [reply] [d/l] [select] |