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Re: OT: Scalable web application architecture

by dave0 (Friar)
on Dec 07, 2005 at 17:42 UTC ( [id://514930]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to OT: Scalable web application architecture

You should take a look at Brad Fitzpatrick's presentations about how LiveJournal scaled up their systems. It's not a HOWTO, but it's definitely a good read for anyone working on scalable web apps with Perl and MySQL.

I believe the most recent version is at

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Re^2: OT: Scalable web application architecture
by badaiaqrandista (Pilgrim) on Dec 08, 2005 at 23:43 UTC

    Thanks for the link. I have read the presentation couple of times, but it concerns more about scaling the whole architecture, including hardware and network connections. I am looking for something that is more code-wise and database structure-wise. My boss is pretty tight with adding new hardware, so I just have to live with it. And having to code with limited resource stretches my mind and challenges my knowledge, so I don't really mind him being like that.


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