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Re^2: Check For Dupes In FLat DB Before Adding

by chas (Priest)
on Dec 15, 2005 at 05:49 UTC ( [id://516868]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Check For Dupes In FLat DB Before Adding
in thread Check For Dupes In FLat DB Before Adding

Do you mean "last" rather than "break"? Also, I don't think "<<" is a valid open mode.
(Update/comment: If the record is found, why not "exit" rather than just break out of the loop? And otherwise just fall through to the append sub.)
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Re^3: Check For Dupes In FLat DB Before Adding
by nedals (Deacon) on Dec 15, 2005 at 06:24 UTC
    Do you mean "last" rather than "break"? Also, I don't think "<<" is a valid open mode.
    You are right. Too much C recently. As to the open mode, it should read...
    ## Append to file open(FH, ">>", "$filename") || die "Cannot open $filename to append: $ +!\n";
    If the record is found, why not "exit" rather than just break out of the loop?
    Because I don't know what needs to be done next.
      Because I don't know what needs to be done next.
      According to the OP, "if the email exists I would like to have it do nothing"
        Actually, the OP said they want to ask for another email address.

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