Re: Translation of the Perlmonks levels ...
by Happy-the-monk (Canon) on Dec 16, 2005 at 23:17 UTC
Stufe | XP | Stimmen | Titel | Deutsch |
1 | 0 | 0 | Initiate | Postulant (Kandidat) |
2 | 20 | 2 | Novice | Novize |
3 | 50 | 4 | Acolyte | Messdiener |
4 | 90 | 6 | Sexton | Küster |
5 | 150 | 8 | Beadle | Kirchendiener |
6 | 250 | 10 | Scribe | Schreiber |
7 | 400 | 12 | Monk | Mönch |
8 | 600 | 14 | Pilgrim | Pilger |
9 | 900 | 16 | Friar | Klosterbruder |
10 | 1300 | 18 | Hermit | Eremit |
11 | 1800 | 20 | Chaplain | Kaplan |
12 | 2400 | 22 | Deacon | Diakon |
13 | 3000 | 24 | Curate | Kurator |
14 | 4000 | 26 | Priest | Priester |
15 | 5400 | 28 | Vicar | Vikar |
16 | 7000 | 30 | Parson | Pastor |
17 | 9000 | 32 | Prior | Prior |
18 | 12000 | 34 | Monsignor | Monsignore |
19 | 16000 | 36 | Abbot | Abt |
20 | 22000 | 38 | Canon | Stiftsherr |
21 | 30000 | 40 | Chancellor | Kanzler |
22 | 40000 | 42 | Bishop | Bischof |
23 | 50000 | 44 | Archbishop | Erzbischof |
24 | 60000 | 46 | Cardinal | Kardinal |
25 | 70000 | 48 | Sage | Weiser |
26 | 80000 | 50 | Saint | Heiliger |
27 | 90000 | 52 | Apostle | Apostel |
28 | 100000 | 54 | Pope | Papst |
Cheers, Sören
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Re: Translation of the Perlmonks levels ...
by sub_chick (Hermit) on Dec 17, 2005 at 07:52 UTC
%perlmonk_levels = (
Initiate => Begin,
Novice => Beginneling,
Acolyte => Misdienaar,
Sexton => De koster,
Beadle => Bode,
Scribe => Kopiist,
Monk => Monnik,
Pilgrim => Pelgrim,
Friar => Monnik,
Hermit => Kluizenaar,
Chaplain => Kapelaan,
Deacon => Diaken,
Curate => Hulppriester,
Priest => Priester,
Vicar => Predikant,
Parson => Predikant,
Prior => Vroegere,
Monsignor => Monsignor,
Abbot => Abt,
Canon => Canon,
Chancellor => Kanselier,
Bishop => Bisschop,
Archbishop => Aartsbisschop,
Cardinal => De kardinale,
Sage => Wijze,
Saint => Heilige,
Apostle => Apostel,
Pope => Paus,
Aided by:
"Es gibt mehr zu Leben als Bücher, kennen Sie.
Aber nicht viel mehr " -(Der Smiths)
| [reply] [d/l] |
I'd make these changes:
- Novice => Novice (yes they do call them that in Dutch too in religious contexts)
- Friar => Broeder
- Vicar => Pastoor
- Prior => Prior (what you got is the translation of the adverb prior, not the noun)
- Monsignor => Monseigneur
- Cardinal => Kardinaal
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Re: Translation of the Perlmonks levels ...
by McDarren (Abbot) on Dec 18, 2005 at 09:54 UTC
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my @perl_monks = qw(
Initiate Novice Acolyte Sexton
Beadle Scribe Monk Pilgrim
Friar Hermit Chaplain Deacon
Curate Priest Vicar Parson
Prior Monsignor Abbot Canon
Chancellor Bishop Archbishop
Cardinal Sage Saint Apostle Pope
my @strine_monks = qw(
Drongo Nong Mug Bludger
Dill Illywhacker Larrikin Mate
Cobber Bloke Poddy-Dodger Ratbag
Sheila Tart Walloper Yobbo
Dag Skite Wanker Yahoo
Galah Digger Pollie Wowser
Ponce Ant's-Pants Ocker Boss-Cocky);
my $num_levels = @perl_monks;
printf "%-6s%-15s%-15s%-15s",
"Level","Perl Monk",
"Strine Monk",
"Singlish Monk";
print "\n\n";
my $c;
for ($c=0; $c<$num_levels; $c++) {
printf "%-6s%-15s%-15s%-15s",
print "\n";
</tongue-in-cheek> | [reply] [d/l] |
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Re: Translation of the Perlmonks levels ...
by valdez (Monsignor) on Dec 18, 2005 at 17:54 UTC
%perlmonk_levels = (
Initiate => Iniziato,
Novice => Novizio,
Acolyte => Accolito,
Sexton => Sagrestano (Protestant),
Beadle => Sagrestano (Catholic),
Scribe => Amanuense,
Monk => Monaco,
Pilgrim => Pellegrino,
Friar => Frate,
Hermit => Eremita,
Chaplain => Cappellano,
Deacon => Diacono,
Curate => Curato,
Priest => Prete,
Vicar => Vicario,
Parson => Parroco (Anglican),
Prior => Priore,
Monsignor => Monsignore,
Abbot => Abate,
Canon => Canonico,
Chancellor => Cancelliere,
Bishop => Vescovo,
Archbishop => Arcivescovo,
Cardinal => Cardinale,
Sage => Saggio,
Saint => Santo,
Apostle => Apostolo,
Pope => Papa,
| [reply] [d/l] |
Re: Translation of the Perlmonks levels ...
by demerphq (Chancellor) on Dec 18, 2005 at 10:37 UTC
Im inlcined to put these lists into play on the site, and set up a user setting to control what language you would like your level to be shown in. Is anybody up to doing a translation to Klingon? Im fairly sure that would be one of the more popular choices. :-) (Right after outback-aussie :-)
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Im inlcined to put these lists into play on the site
and set up a user setting to control what language you would like your level to be shown in
hm, i'd rather prefer a setting that would allow me to display a page in my language of choice if it existed... so if I (or any other monk? =)) ever got around to translate some of the monastery docs into - say - German, I would see them in German language as long as my setting says that I wanted it like that...
Cheers, Sören
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Re: Translation of the Perlmonks levels ...
by lidden (Curate) on Dec 18, 2005 at 17:18 UTC
Here is a try at translating to swedish obviosly the ones in qoutes has to be changed. Hjälp mig.
my @perl_monks = qw(
Initiate Novice Acolyte Sexton
Beadle Scribe Monk Pilgrim
Friar Hermit Chaplain Deacon
Curate Priest Vicar Parson
Prior Monsignor Abbot Canon
Chancellor Bishop Archbishop
Cardinal Sage Saint Apostle Pope
my @svenska_munkar = qw(
'*' Novis Kyrkotjänare Kyrkvaktmästare
'Pedell; Kyrkvaktare' Skriftlärd Munk Pilgrim
Tiggarmunk Eremit Kaplan Diakon
Pastorsadjunkt 'enklare präst' Kyrkoherde 'Kyr
+koherde; Präst'
Prior '*' Abbot 'Kanik; Domkyrkopräst'
Kansler Biskop Ärkebiskop
Kardinal '*' Helgon Apostel Påve
| [reply] [d/l] |
Re: Translation of the Perlmonks levels ...
by TedPride (Priest) on Dec 16, 2005 at 16:45 UTC
Too bad you can't choose the title you like best from those equal to or lower than your current rank. Curate sounds so boring. I'd rather be Friar Ted.
Also, what about an honorary Saint title for the current holder of best post of the month? You would of course need a certain minimum number of votes on your post to be awarded the title, and the previous month's winner would keep it until then. | [reply] |
Curate sounds so boring.
You know what to do? Move on to some higher...
I'd rather be Friar Ted.
Well you are still a friar, as the title means monk in a monastic community... you are a friar, no matter what your title says, Friar Ted.
what about an honorary Saint title for the current holder of best post of the month?
I'm afraid that might seduce me and other's to compete for vanity topics, and I personally feel there are already too many of them.
Cheers, Sören
PS: There are a few levels translated to German on my home node, if anymonk would care to complete the work
PPS: Update Ok, I've done it myself on this node
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The next one up for me is Hermit. Unfortunately it is quite fitting for me.
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Re: Translation of the Perlmonks levels ...
by sub_chick (Hermit) on Dec 16, 2005 at 21:40 UTC
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Re: Translation of the Perlmonks levels ...
by carcassonne (Pilgrim) on Dec 17, 2005 at 10:39 UTC
Sexton : Sacristain, Bedeau, Fossoyeur
"Fossoyeur", ouais...
"Bedeau" would be just fine. Don't need any Gravedigger, don't we ? ;-)
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Isn't "gravedigger" one of NodeReaper's apprentices?
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Re: Translation of the Perlmonks levels ...
by TedPride (Priest) on Dec 16, 2005 at 22:41 UTC
Thanks to Babelfish:
Eingeführter Anfänger Gehilfe Sexton Kirchendiener Schreiber Mönch Pilgrim Mönch Einsiedler Geistliches Diakon Kurat Priester Vicar Pastor Prior Monsignor Abt Canon Kanzler Bishop Erzbischof Hauptsächlich Salbei Heiliger Apostel Papst
Iniciado Principiante Acolyte Sexton Beadle Escribano Monk Peregrino Friar Ermitaño Capellán Diácono Curate Sacerdote Vicario Parson Anteriormente Monsignor Abad Canon Canciller Obispo Arzobispo Cardinal Sabio Santo Apostle Papa
And just for fun, French -
Initié Débutant Acolyte Sexton Huissier Pointe à tracer Moine Pélerin Moine Hermite Aumônier Diacre Curé Prêtre Curé Pasteur Antérieurement Monsignor Abbé Canon Chancelier Évêque Archevêque Cardinal Sauge Saint Apôtre Pape
I notice that Sexton and Monsignor don't seem to translate.
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Re: Translation of the Perlmonks levels ...
by mk. (Friar) on Dec 19, 2005 at 20:01 UTC
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Re: Translation of the Perlmonks levels…
by Aristotle (Chancellor) on Dec 26, 2005 at 09:16 UTC
Level | XP | Votes | Title | Ελληνικά |
1 | 0 | 0 | Initiate | Νεομύητος |
2 | 20 | 2 | Novice | Δόκιμος |
3 | 50 | 4 | Acolyte | Ακόλουθος |
4 | 90 | 6 | Sexton | Εκκλησάρης |
5 | 150 | 8 | Beadle | Εκκλησιάρχης |
6 | 250 | 10 | Scribe | Αντιγραφέας |
7 | 400 | 12 | Monk | Μοναχός |
8 | 600 | 14 | Pilgrim | Προσκυνητής |
9 | 900 | 16 | Friar | Καλόγερος |
10 | 1300 | 18 | Hermit | Ερημίτης |
11 | 1800 | 20 | Chaplain | Στρατιωτικός ιερέας |
12 | 2400 | 22 | Deacon | Διάκονος |
13 | 3000 | 24 | Curate | Υπεφημέριος |
14 | 4000 | 26 | Priest | Ιερέας |
15 | 5400 | 28 | Vicar | Εφημέριος |
16 | 7000 | 30 | Parson | Πρεσβύτερος |
17 | 9000 | 32 | Prior | Ηγούμενος |
18 | 12000 | 34 | Monsignor | Μονσινιόρος |
19 | 16000 | 36 | Abbot | Προϊστάμενος μονής |
20 | 22000 | 38 | Canon | Ιερέας καθεδρικού ναού |
21 | 30000 | 40 | Chancellor | Καγκελάριος |
22 | 40000 | 42 | Bishop | Επίσκοπος |
23 | 50000 | 44 | Archbishop | Αρχιεπίσκοπος |
24 | 60000 | 46 | Cardinal | Καρδινάλιος |
25 | 70000 | 48 | Sage | Σοφός ιερέας |
26 | 80000 | 50 | Saint | Άγιος |
27 | 90000 | 52 | Apostle | Απόστολος |
28 | 100000 | 54 | Pope | Πάπας |
A large number of these originate from Greek; for those, the translation is trivial. When they don’t, there often is no real translation. (Some of those are slight cheating to skirt the issue.)
Makeshifts last the longest. | [reply] |
Re: Translation of the Perlmonks levels ...
by AppleFritter (Vicar) on Jun 23, 2014 at 21:54 UTC
Icelandic, because why not:
Level | XP | Votes | Title | Titill |
1 | 0 | 0 | Initiate | Innvígður |
2 | 20 | 2 | Novice | Byrjandi |
3 | 50 | 4 | Acolyte | Altarisdrengur |
4 | 90 | 6 | Sexton | Kirkjuvörður |
5 | 150 | 8 | Beadle | Meðhjálpari |
6 | 250 | 10 | Scribe | Skrifari |
7 | 400 | 12 | Monk | Munkur |
8 | 600 | 14 | Pilgrim | Pílagrímur |
9 | 900 | 16 | Friar | Reglubróðir |
10 | 1300 | 18 | Hermit | Einbúi |
11 | 1800 | 20 | Chaplain | Kapellán |
12 | 2400 | 22 | Deacon | Djákni |
13 | 3000 | 24 | Curate | Aðstoðarprestur |
14 | 4000 | 26 | Priest | Prestur |
15 | 5400 | 28 | Vicar | Sóknarprestur |
16 | 7000 | 30 | Parson | Klerkur |
17 | 9000 | 32 | Prior | Príor |
18 | 12000 | 34 | Monsignor | Monsignor |
19 | 16000 | 36 | Abbot | Ábóti |
20 | 22000 | 38 | Canon | Kórbróðir |
21 | 30000 | 40 | Chancellor | Kanslari |
22 | 40000 | 42 | Bishop | Biskup |
23 | 50000 | 44 | Archbishop | Erkibiskup |
24 | 60000 | 46 | Cardinal | Kardináli |
25 | 70000 | 48 | Sage | Spekingur |
26 | 80000 | 50 | Saint | Dýrlingur |
27 | 90000 | 52 | Apostle | Postuli |
28 | 100000 | 54 | Pope | Páfi |
Note that I'm not terribly familiar with the titles used in the catholic church. Also note that "Monsignor" has no Icelandic translation/equivalent I'm aware of at all (so I've left it intact), and that I'm not aware of a specific Icelandic translation of "chancellor" in the ecclesiastical sense (hence the generic "kanslari").
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Re: Translation of the Perlmonks levels ...
by lenieto3 (Acolyte) on Sep 16, 2013 at 01:49 UTC
En español:
Level | XP | Votes | Title | Título |
1 | 0 | 0 | Initiate | Iniciado |
2 | 20 | 2 | Novice | Novicio |
3 | 50 | 4 | Acolyte | Acólito |
4 | 90 | 6 | Sexton | Sacristán |
5 | 150 | 8 | Beadle | Bedel |
6 | 250 | 10 | Scribe | Escriba |
7 | 400 | 12 | Monk | Monje |
8 | 600 | 14 | Pilgrim | Peregrino |
9 | 900 | 16 | Friar | Fraile |
10 | 1300 | 18 | Hermit | Ermitaño |
11 | 1800 | 20 | Chaplain | Capellán |
12 | 2400 | 22 | Deacon | Diácono |
13 | 3000 | 24 | Curate | Cura |
14 | 4000 | 26 | Priest | Sacerdote |
15 | 5400 | 28 | Vicar | Vicario |
16 | 7000 | 30 | Parson | Párroco |
17 | 9000 | 32 | Prior | Prior |
18 | 12000 | 34 | Monsignor | Monseñor |
19 | 16000 | 36 | Abbot | Abad |
20 | 22000 | 38 | Canon | Canónigo |
21 | 30000 | 40 | Chancellor | Canciller |
22 | 40000 | 42 | Bishop | Obispo |
23 | 50000 | 44 | Archbishop | Arzobispo |
24 | 60000 | 46 | Cardinal | Cardenal |
25 | 70000 | 48 | Sage | Sabio |
26 | 80000 | 50 | Saint | Santo |
27 | 90000 | 52 | Apostle | Apóstol |
28 | 100000 | 54 | Pope | Papa |
| [reply] |
Re: Translation of the Perlmonks levels ...
by Courage (Parson) on Dec 31, 2005 at 10:56 UTC
Here is Russian:
1 0 0 Initiate Начинающий
2 20 2 Novice Новичок
3 50 4 Acolyte Прислужник, Псаломщик
4 90 6 Sexton Пономарь
5 150 8 Beadle Церковный сторож
6 250 10 Scribe Переписчик
7 400 12 Monk Монах
8 600 14 Pilgrim Пилигрим
9 900 16 Friar Старший монах
10 1300 18 Hermit Отшельник
11 1800 20 Chaplain Капеллан
12 2400 22 Deacon Дьякон
13 3000 24 Curate Кюре
14 4000 26 Priest Священник
15 5400 28 Vicar Викарий
16 7000 30 Parson Пастор
17 9000 32 Prior Настоятель, приор
18 12000 34 Monsignor Монсиньор
19 16000 36 Abbot Аббат
20 22000 38 Canon Каноник
21 30000 40 Chancellor Канцлер
22 40000 42 Bishop Епископ
23 50000 44 Archbishop Архиепископ
24 60000 46 Cardinal Кардинал
25 70000 48 Sage Мудрец
26 80000 50 Saint Святой
27 90000 52 Apostle Апостол
28 100000 54 Pope Папа
I am not sure for some items, because many titles do not become clear to me even translated to native language...
Russian church has similar titles; I wonder what will do far-east people, whose traditions is far different?
Best regards,
Courage, the Cowardly Dog
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