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Re: Translation of the Perlmonks levels ...

by Courage (Parson)
on Dec 31, 2005 at 10:56 UTC ( [id://520124]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Translation of the Perlmonks levels ...

Here is Russian:

1 0 0 Initiate Начинающий
2 20 2 Novice Новичок
3 50 4 Acolyte Прислужник, Псаломщик
4 90 6 Sexton Пономарь
5 150 8 Beadle Церковный сторож
6 250 10 Scribe Переписчик
7 400 12 Monk Монах
8 600 14 Pilgrim Пилигрим
9 900 16 Friar Старший монах
10 1300 18 Hermit Отшельник
11 1800 20 Chaplain Капеллан
12 2400 22 Deacon Дьякон
13 3000 24 Curate Кюре
14 4000 26 Priest Священник
15 5400 28 Vicar Викарий
16 7000 30 Parson Пастор
17 9000 32 Prior Настоятель, приор
18 12000 34 Monsignor Монсиньор
19 16000 36 Abbot Аббат
20 22000 38 Canon Каноник
21 30000 40 Chancellor Канцлер
22 40000 42 Bishop Епископ
23 50000 44 Archbishop Архиепископ
24 60000 46 Cardinal Кардинал
25 70000 48 Sage Мудрец
26 80000 50 Saint Святой
27 90000 52 Apostle Апостол
28 100000 54 Pope Папа

I am not sure for some items, because many titles do not become clear to me even translated to native language...
Russian church has similar titles; I wonder what will do far-east people, whose traditions is far different?

Best regards,
Courage, the Cowardly Dog

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