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Re: Reeling In The Years

by footpad (Abbot)
on Jan 17, 2001 at 03:10 UTC ( [id://52407]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Reeling In The Years

First off, you're a few theses short.

Secondly, I doubt anyone would mistake you for Martin Luther. ;-P


P.S. Excellent idea, btw...

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Re: Reeling In The Years
by Petruchio (Vicar) on Jan 17, 2001 at 04:48 UTC
    First off, you're a few theses short.

    Right! Thesis number Two: No Python!

    Thesis number Three: No Monk is to maltreat damian1301 in any way... if there's anybody watching.

    Thesis number Four: No Python!

    Thesis Five, now this year, I don't want to catch anybody not drinking.

    Thesis Six: there is NO Thesis Six

    Thesis Seven: No Python!

    Thesis Eight, don't go and mention a whole bunch of Monks in your posts, like chipmunk or brainpan or boo_radley or alakaboo, just because you think it'll get them to vote for you. Or like tilly or ybiC or lemming or Falkkin. None of that.

    Thesis Nine: No Python!

    Thesis Ten: All posts must contain serious Perl content.

    Thesis Eleven: Um... use strict.

    Thesis Twelve: No Python!

    Thesis Thirteen: for (14..95){print "Thesis $_: No Python!<p>\n";}

    Secondly, I doubt anyone would mistake you for Martin Luther.

    That is, in fact, true; people usually say a young Harrison Ford. The only reason people here sometimes mistake me for a famous intellectual like Martin Luther is that they only know me through my writing. ;-)

    P.S. Thank you.

    Update: Okay, fine. The resemblance to Leon Trotsky is somewhat more pronounced. Thank you AgentM.

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