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Unable to write logs or catch signals

by fuzzyping (Chaplain)
on Jan 22, 2006 at 23:18 UTC ( [id://524850]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

fuzzyping has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I've written a small "AIM bot" using Net::OSCAR and I'm trying to get some logging and signal handling working. None of my print LOG or the call to &signal_handler is working. I thought it might be because the code is caught in the OSCAR while (1) loop, but even the initial print LOG "$0: created $home/$input as a named pipe\n"; isn't doing anything. Any ideas?

Update: Added strict checking, warnings, and disabled buffered output. Also added a die to the aforementioned print statement. Still no logging.

Update #2: atcroft pointed out that I wasn't actually unbuffering LOG. Corrected code included.

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Fcntl; use POSIX; use Net::OSCAR qw(:all); use Data::Dumper; my $aimuser = 'username'; my $aimpass = 'password'; my $nagiosuser = 'nagios'; my $home = '/usr/local/nagios/var'; my $input = 'aimbot.fifo'; my $log = 'aimbot.log'; my $debug = 0; my $pid = fork; exit if $pid; die "Couldn't fork: $!" unless defined $pid; POSIX::setsid() || die "Can't start a new session: $!"; my $time_to_die = 0; sub signal_handler { $time_to_die = 1; } $SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = $SIG{HUP} = \&signal_handler; until ($time_to_die) { sub signon_done { print LOG "SIGNON DONE: Successfully connected at `dat +e`"; } sub connection_changed { my($oscar, $connection, $status) = @_; print LOG "STATUS CHANGE: $status\n" if $debug; } sub admin_error { my($oscar, $reqtype, $error, $errurl) = @_; print LOG "ADMIN ERROR: $error, Please refer to $errur +l\n" if $debug; } sub buddylist_error { my($oscar, $error, $what) = @_; print LOG "BUDDYLIST ERROR: $what\n" if $debug; } sub error { my($oscar, $connection, $error, $description, $fatal) += @_; print LOG "ERROR: $description\n" if $debug; } sub rate_alert { my($oscar, $level, $clear, $window, $worrisome) = @_; print LOG "RATE ALERT: level=$level, clear=$clear, win +dow=$window, worrisome=$worrisome\n" if $debug; } sub snac_unknown { my($oscar, $connection, $snac, $data) = @_; print LOG "SNAC UNKNOWN: " . Dumper($snac) . "\n" if $ +debug; } sub log { my($oscar, $level, $message) = @_; print LOG "LOG \[$level\]: $message\n"; } sysopen(LOG, "$home/$log", O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | O_CREAT, 0664 +) || die "Can't open logfile $home/$log: $!"; select LOG; $|=1; $oscar = new Net::OSCAR; $oscar->set_callback_signon_done(\&signon_done); $oscar->set_callback_connection_changed(\&connection_changed); $oscar->set_callback_admin_error(\&admin_error); $oscar->set_callback_buddylist_error(\&buddylist_error); $oscar->set_callback_error(\&error); $oscar->set_callback_rate_alert(\&rate_alert); $oscar->set_callback_snac_unknown(\&snac_unknown); $oscar->set_callback_log(\&log); $oscar->loglevel(1); $oscar->signon(screenname => $aimuser, password => $aimpass) | +| die $!; unlink "$home/$input" if (-e "$home/$input"); POSIX::mkfifo("$home/$input", 0660) || die "Can't create $home +/$input: $!"; print LOG "$0: created $home/$input as a named pipe\n" || die +"Can't write to $home/$log: $!"; sysopen(IN, "$home/$input", O_NONBLOCK|O_RDONLY) || die "Can't + open named pipe: $!"; while (1) { $oscar->do_one_loop(); while (<IN>) { if (/\w+/) { /^(\w+)\:?(.*)$/; my($buddy, $message) = ($1, $2); $oscar->send_im($buddy, $message); } } } sysclose(IN); }


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Re: Unable to write logs or catch signals
by davidrw (Prior) on Jan 22, 2006 at 23:30 UTC
    immediate thoughts (maybe not directly on track, but hopefully helpful):
    • if you use warnings; and use strict;, does anything pop?
    • (not sure if it's an issue--maybe 'use warnings' will indicate it if it is) something w/the scope of LOG and the sub's being declared inside the loop (i think that's ok, but caught my attention right away)?
    • maybe use one of the many loggers on CPAN such as Log::Log4Perl?
    • need a $|=1; (see
      Thanks for the ideas. See my update above, I've enabled everything you suggested but still no luck. After a second glance, the while loop shouldn't have anything to do with it since all of the print LOG statements in the subs should occur during OSCAR callback events. I know these worked correctly previously, as I used to print to STDERR... before I added code to fork and background the service. Perhaps the fork has something to do with this?


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