I've written a small "AIM bot" using
Net::OSCAR and I'm trying to get some logging and signal handling working. None of my
print LOG or the call to
&signal_handler is working. I thought it might be because the code is caught in the OSCAR while (1) loop, but even the initial
print LOG "$0: created $home/$input as a named pipe\n"; isn't doing anything. Any ideas?
Update: Added
strict checking,
warnings, and disabled buffered output. Also added a
die to the aforementioned print statement. Still no logging.
Update #2: atcroft pointed out that I wasn't actually unbuffering LOG. Corrected code included.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Fcntl;
use POSIX;
use Net::OSCAR qw(:all);
use Data::Dumper;
my $aimuser = 'username';
my $aimpass = 'password';
my $nagiosuser = 'nagios';
my $home = '/usr/local/nagios/var';
my $input = 'aimbot.fifo';
my $log = 'aimbot.log';
my $debug = 0;
my $pid = fork;
exit if $pid;
die "Couldn't fork: $!" unless defined $pid;
POSIX::setsid() || die "Can't start a new session: $!";
my $time_to_die = 0;
sub signal_handler {
$time_to_die = 1;
$SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = $SIG{HUP} = \&signal_handler;
until ($time_to_die) {
sub signon_done {
print LOG "SIGNON DONE: Successfully connected at `dat
sub connection_changed {
my($oscar, $connection, $status) = @_;
print LOG "STATUS CHANGE: $status\n" if $debug;
sub admin_error {
my($oscar, $reqtype, $error, $errurl) = @_;
print LOG "ADMIN ERROR: $error, Please refer to $errur
+l\n" if $debug;
sub buddylist_error {
my($oscar, $error, $what) = @_;
print LOG "BUDDYLIST ERROR: $what\n" if $debug;
sub error {
my($oscar, $connection, $error, $description, $fatal)
+= @_;
print LOG "ERROR: $description\n" if $debug;
sub rate_alert {
my($oscar, $level, $clear, $window, $worrisome) = @_;
print LOG "RATE ALERT: level=$level, clear=$clear, win
+dow=$window, worrisome=$worrisome\n" if $debug;
sub snac_unknown {
my($oscar, $connection, $snac, $data) = @_;
print LOG "SNAC UNKNOWN: " . Dumper($snac) . "\n" if $
sub log {
my($oscar, $level, $message) = @_;
print LOG "LOG \[$level\]: $message\n";
sysopen(LOG, "$home/$log", O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | O_CREAT, 0664
+) || die "Can't open logfile $home/$log: $!";
select LOG;
$oscar = new Net::OSCAR;
$oscar->signon(screenname => $aimuser, password => $aimpass) |
+| die $!;
unlink "$home/$input" if (-e "$home/$input");
POSIX::mkfifo("$home/$input", 0660) || die "Can't create $home
+/$input: $!";
print LOG "$0: created $home/$input as a named pipe\n" || die
+"Can't write to $home/$log: $!";
sysopen(IN, "$home/$input", O_NONBLOCK|O_RDONLY) || die "Can't
+ open named pipe: $!";
while (1) {
while (<IN>) {
if (/\w+/) {
my($buddy, $message) = ($1, $2);
$oscar->send_im($buddy, $message);